The Slave's Tail Part 1

Story by Sakara on SoFurry

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The sounds of the chambers were loud and agonizing. The slaves sat in cages or were at the wall, chained up, daring not to sit at risk of losing limbs. Screams could plainly be heard. Pain surged through some slaves upon hearing them, the slavers just sat calm and serene not caring of them. Chamber guards paced through the chambers. If something went amise they solved it plainly. If it involved slaves, they were punished, if it involved slavers they were warned, threatened, banned, or thrown out. All ages were through out the chambers. From 12 to as old as they came. Men, women, and herms alike walked between the slaves, looking them over to see if they were interested in them or not. They all had their preferences, of course. Some slavers were cruel, some weren't. Some preffered submissiveness some preferred something to train, to break, to show who really rules them. A rather thin wolfess was shoved into chains. She winced as her back hit the wall with a thump. Her ears against her head, as she looked up, her eyesight swimming around for a while. She shoke her head and regained it to it's normality. She gazed about the chambers, they were dark and wet, so cold and miserable. Slavers paced the cages and walls, looking boredly at the slaves, most with no interest. Every once in a while they'd stop and look over one and sometimes they'd stay, other times they just walked away. The wolfess, Sidaria, was only around nineteen and yet already in a place like this. Her fur blue-white tinted, her hair silvery white. Her berlap sack-like clothes weren't as wonderful as a princesses but they served their purpose, nevertheless. The gaurds made her wear them. She was bound by chains, half cutting into her wrists she losened them up. She sighed slightly, she couldn't believe her 'friends' put her here. She watched a small gaggle of slavers walk together, talking amongst themselves and sparing the occasional glance to a slave. Sidaria's ears went against her head again, she looked down and closed her eyes. The rattle of chains made her ears twitch but she was actually quite peaceful. She let her knees drop to the floor, her chains were rather lower to the ground and allowed her to do such. Her head drooped slightly as she dozed, the creaking of the wood from the stool infront of her woke her. She blinked a few times as her vision cleared. A deep grey canine slaver, adorned with a black cloak with silver embrodery looked her over from beneath his hood. "How old are you and what is your name?" he asked with a cold voice. "My name is Sidaria and I'm nineteen or around that." she said still somewhat in a state of doze. A paw lashed out to her, gripping the area where her neck and jaw met. She yelped and whimpered. His voice chilled her as he spoke, "My name is Taru, and I expect you to address me as 'Master Taru' or 'Sir'. Understood?" "Y-yes s-sir, understood..." She winced as his grip tightened. 'Master Taru' payed the chamber gaurd in charge of buying and selling slaves. He led her by chain to the boiler room. The heat was intense. He unpocketed a metal piece in the shape of a canine's head with a 'T' carved out from it. He handed it and a few silver coins to the fat, feline smith. "Brand her on the right side of her neck, at the base." he instructed. The smith pocketed the coins and nodded slightly and shuffled to the furnace and heated the brand. Sadaria's eyes widened slightly as she looked to her new owner. He didn't return her glance as he watched the smith, cross armed. "Sometime today," he muttered. The smith scowled slightly, muttering to himself quietly as he shuffled over to Sadaria and moved the metal to her neck. The smell of burnt fur and skin filled the room as she yelped loudly. "Quiet!" her master snapped and lashed a paw at her muzzle, clamping it closed. Tears drifted through her oily fur in pain. "Quite a good en' you 'ave 'ere." the smith said, cooling the brand and returning it to Taru. "Get on with your buisiness, smith.. She's not one for the likes of you." he snarled quietly. The smith's ears flattened as he muttered angrily, not caring if he was heard, his small, fat tail wavering behind his shuffles. "Come, Girl." Taru said, pulling her along by the chain about her neck. He walked into an empty room and pulled her in, locking the door. "You will be given rules, disobey them and you will be punished.. severely, Understood?" "Yes.. Master Taru.." "Good.." he muttered taking the chain from around her neck. "Listen closely, I will not repeat myself. The rules are as followed, girl. Firstly, You will do what I say, when I say it. Secondly, If I, for instance, asked you to give me a blowjob, you will give it to me, no hesitation and strive to do a good job of it. Thirdly, I am not your friend unless you want me to be. Do as you're told and we'll be great friends.." "Yes, Master Taru.." He smirked from under his hood and lowered it, his yellow eyes shining dully his face strangly nice apart from the way he acted. "Take off your clothes." She paused for a moment. "DId you not hear me, slave?" "Yes, Sir..." she said losening her berlap sack-like clothing and hesitating again before letting it fall to the ground. He smiled again, "Very good, slave, now, come.. arose me." "Yes, sir.." she said again, kneeling onto his lap. She nuzzled his neck with her maw, letting her tongue drift through his fur. He murred softly, bringing his arms about her, fondling her breasts mildly. Sidaria murred as well and brought her tail about her, looking into her master's yellow eyes for a moment then nuzzling his chest, chancing her tongue across his cloak. Her murred again, with a slight smile, running his fingers through her hair like it was made of silk threads. He petted her, letting his claws gently drift through her fur, coming back to her ears and scratching their base before petting her again, he did this over and over again with a smile, sweeter than his attitude, or at least as much as Sidaria had seen. Sidaria chanced her fortune, she lent forward, licking his cheek gingerly, doing as an old friend from the pens had taught her for certain yiff crazed masters, she pressed her buttocks against his lower thighs, letting her fingers trail down his chest and nuzzling his neck with her muzzle, hoping his reaction is a good one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tarumasuka (His true name) smirked in his mind, "Wow," he thought, "she must have some experience, she's doing better than most slaves her age, aside from the slave-whores and sluts." He ran his hand up her side, feeling her shudder, (He smirked at this still thinking with the pervertedness of his mind and hormones) and trailed up to her bossums (breasts if you will) squeezing them gently, she seemed slightly unexpecting of that and a very tiny "Eep" escaped her, dispite her apparently trying to hold it back, as he could tell from the shamed look in her eyes. (He laughed inside of himself, "Definitly not a slut or whore.") He licked the side of her face and smiled rather sweetly, "This will be interesting," he thought. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Slave's Tail Part one, n.n Now to start on Part Two, x.x; Anyway, thanks for reading, fell free to comment and email me suggestions! My email's [email protected] {Aim: SamanthaY411} {Yahoo IM: blazinghope7} {Msn Messenger: [email protected]} *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ [{[{[{ For the last time, I am a girl! o-o; }]}]}] avatar?user=30475&character=0&clevel=2 -_-;---- Sakom