A Dream Chp: 7 Memories

Rose turns her head around to face me, her hair, having blue streaks in the white that almost seem to glow, rolling over her shoulder with the sudden turn. i can see her smile as he walk up to her and hugs her from behind, kissing her cheek lightly.

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Dark Destiny - Chapter 3

Kitas was a male cat with a rather small frame, his fur was grey with blue streaks and his voice was rather...girly, but he seemed nice. 'show our guest, azoth, around the forges if you will kitas' krolan asked.

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Chapter 8 - Twilight Moon

Midnight black hair had navy blue streaks and her eyes were a darker shade of purple. vertical cat-pupils set her further apart and a blending of small things all said that this was a different person. "i'm sorry," scootaloo said again.

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Windchaser - Acceptance

Standing at just under six foot, he wasn't the tall but his height was considered about average for his species, being an arctic fox, his fur was pure white but he had a unique sky blue streak running from the base to the tip of his tail.

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Blood on Ice - Part Two Prologue

Persistently the blue streak did not fade, until it grew stronger and seemed to have beaten the darkness that threatened to have it disappear. still with a splash of purple, the blue aurora still shined brightly.

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The Tower

A blue streak of light splattered over the night sky in a blink of an eye. his heart raced to his throat and his face turned red. a sign. "i thank you, father above." he managed to muster as he closed his prayer.

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Chapter 3: Team Rocket Admins and love?

He wore a black trench coat that fell down to his ankles, but with dark blue streaks running along the seams. his collar was flip down, and he has ruffled brown hair. "do i know you...?"

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Saying No Chapter 2

And as he turned and stepped around the floor brahma noticed several dyed blue streaks which ran from the base of his neck and were lost below the collar of his shirt. to say he was attractive was an understatement.

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Still Searching: The White Fox

Her white hair was relatively short, and had a single blue streak running from the centre of her head down to her fringe. her eyes were bright blue, and the black ears and black patterns to either side of her muzzle allowed him to identify her as a fox.

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Unprepared Chauffeur

He asked, looking himself over in the mirrored walls of the elevator, making sure his dark blue suit wasn't ruffled, tie straight, mane prim, blue streak prominent across his brow. "yannick mair," the bear said coldly, which made dakota perk some.

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Wanderer's Surprise (Quantum Leap/Blind Pig) mash-up_

Than al reminded sam that he was still a naval officer by spouting a blue streak a mile wide. sam began a rendition of "animal crackers, in my soup." the bar quickly began to sing along. by the end of the song, al was under control.

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One Week to Change: Chapter 2

Pointed red nose, spiked back mane, blue streak that ran from both ears to the bridge of his nose, and the star-shaped ball that sat on the end of his tail. typical. "are you going to eat something?"

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