Big Mac likes the shy ones

My name's big macintosh ... but everypony just calls me mac." fluttershy feigned fearful ignorance, but was truly listening.

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Giving Love a Helping Hoof

It's always jus' bin' me, big macintosh, granny smith and applebloom over on the farm. i come to town from time t' time, but ah've never really bin' 'round other colts much." "so why the blush if you don't think of him like that?"

Kingdom Hearts: The Path of the Heart Episode 1: An Unexpected Journey

"big macintosh, apple bloom, aaaaannnndd granny apple smith." this time kairi looked at each of them now that she had time to catch up. big macintosh, quite obviously, was a male pony, or stallion as she corrected her thoughts.

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Love is Abloom

"awww, ain't that just the cutest thing you ever saw big macintosh?" applejack asked her big brother who had since joined her at his side.

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A Mad Dash Through Time and Space - Chapter Three

Off to the side, big macintosh shook his head as he looked to twilight and sighed, "ya sure ya don't need me? ah'd be a liar if ah said ah didn't want a shot at this guy fer roughin' up my sister the way he did."

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Cupcakes 2: The Finale

Ah feel guilty jus' having big macintosh do all the work today. 'sides, she wouldn't want us to be sad all day, right? not on the anniversary of her disappearance. she was cool, right? she'd like us to be cool. bet we all got stuff to do today."

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The cutie mark that couldn't be seen

Ponies were taking out tubs of water with apples floating in it, lanterns were getting illuminated and big macintosh was putting the last ballots of hay for the labyrinth. the sunlight was dimming fast and the festivities were ready to start.

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Misperceptions v2

"hello big macintosh," twilight said politely as they stopped in front of the stallion. he paused and looked up from his work, setting down the nails held in his mouth. "well, howdy miss twilight," he said with a smile.

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