How I Found it All: Part I

But bath time had to wait, because i still had my objective, which was getting to marbles at the arcane university.

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Special day

"it's bath time, princesses. but i don't see the puddlepup." said the black cat. fiona giggled and moved a feet away from her spot before pointing her finger under the crib.

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A Passage of Time

"okay, i think bath time is over." john scooped his son out of the water before the splash fight could escalate any further. laurelie scrambled out herself, teasing her brother about getting dunked.

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Shogin and Andlat's Sleepover

It's bath time." they groaned in unison and andlat, feeling defiant, started the next stage. jack frowned. "or is it spanking time?" shogin yelped and put down the controller nervously.

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Nursery Breakout

After bath time and an embarrassing diaper change, he and the rest of the villains were laid down for bed. this was his chance.

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Bone King: Drunken Shenanigans

In fact, his youngest child always demanded it at bath time; even a cap full of the innocuous pink goo was enough to turn the average bath tub into a scene from a foam party accident.

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'Night Dad

Most nights he'd bathe the cub first and set him off to bed, but it was the weekend and colby had simply denied dibs on bath time. "aaaaarms up!" he instructed, helping remove the pastel yellow shirt fitted loosely to colby.

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Bone King: Drunken Shenanigans [Pre-Apocalypse]

In fact, his youngest child always demanded it at bath time; even a cap full of the innocuous pink goo was enough to turn the average bath tub into a scene from a foam party accident.

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Adventures in Kittensitting

It was bath time! currently not having the necessary upper body strength and balance needed to use the bathtub kickaha was forced to improvise for one of his duties!

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 101: Moment Of A Lifetime (Conclusion)

Like we interrupted their swim time or bath time.\*** "thank you aa." the little mongoose said trying to clean his tongue. "you eight there i am looking for a blond haired human like myself, but female, yellow shirt, brown shorts.

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Age Regression April Shennanigans

Sure, he fought when it came to bath times since he didn't always like getting wet, but he also had an obsessive need to keep himself cleaned and well groomed. "hmmmmm." odin tilted his head back and forth.

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Forever Young (Chapter 2)

Diaper changes were horribly embarrassing, bath time was even worse, and he did not even want to think about being fed gerber's. "i hate diapers." hunter muttered into the pacifier.

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