The Longest Fall - Prologue (First Draft)

Nothing the arch-angel had said to her, before he sent her to this...this purgatory...had prepared kendra for this unending agony.

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Second Sight: Chapter Six: Drop Off, Lights On.

I was wearing my usual arch-angel outfit, as well as a full-face helmet, with the visor fully drawn. it was pained blue, just like my gun. only my visor was a different color; jet black. i saw the back hatch of the jet open, and a black wolf walked in.

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Chapter 10

"a band of pirates, with the help of the arch angels, freedom group, and some of their engineers" hades answers, moving onto raikes. "pirates are out here? i cant even get reception from my phone" raikes comments, checking the time.

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Heart's Longing Message - Short Story

A lot of the time once tal entered the room i also felt the presence of my arch-angels michael and raphael, comforting me as well.

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The End Pt2

"then, by the power of michael, saint, arch-angel, defender, i demand the truth!" her words thundered and the succubus looked stunned by it, her eyes losing focus slightly, "what actions did you take and whom did you encounter?"

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Tragic Endings

With the arch-angel's guidance, she tapped into to cube and into the very fabrics of space and time around the tiny forest turned barren, that they were in. she would open a rip and cast the devil into it.

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Second Sight: Chapter Ten: Nulline Metropolis

"so, you're the arch-angel we were expecting?" "sure." i said lamely, walking towards them, looking around the dock. "i didn't expect this much...hostility." "you'll get used to it." he replied. "come on; let's go."

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The End Pt1

Satan lifted his head, making sure his eyes were a little above the arch-angel's own and replied, "so you are coming to me, after all this time. michael, i once called you brother, even you can see the irony in this.

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Oggstrosse Part 5 - Loose Ends

-the helmets formed over the arch angels' heads as they jump back from the mansion.


Oggstrosse Part 2 - act 1

-looking back b-man watched as the arch angels, and other demon generals spoke- suggest we send the mortal first to recon for us, no sense in taking such massive action until we know for sure if the arch demons general are actually back.

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Lucifer Part 8 - Trials and Tribulations 

Before that, he was arch angel azazel. sky blinked a few times- oh...well about beelzebub? is she royalty? -he held his hands up- look i haven't dug into this, given the current situation...


Lucifer - Part 6 Reflections

In heaven, yahweh and the arch angels see the greatest potential of an individual. not everyone who dies has a chance to become an angel. you're a fighter sky, a warrior.

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