Character Descriptions and Personalities
Kurietta went wandering with both grimm tooth and mist runner for a period of seven years, and shortly after they returned to her village, she was killed during a flash flood that ravaged her village.
A Palce to Belong - Chapter 26
"yes, zangar was originally a a village in the zangarian mountains\*." eric explained. "the rovarian\*, dakkatta\* and mordian wolves\* launched an all-out attack on the village of zangar.
Elders' Tale - Ch1
This made the usually snow covered valley village spring to life with new growth and development.
Origins: Asako & Akiko (my first story)
The village is the dead of winter, almost impossible to access the remote village during it.
My deer love
It wasn't long before the villagers started blaming the two strangers that had appeared only two weeks before the outbreak. when ivan took lorelei outside in the middle of the night to escape, they were greeted by a mob of angry villagers.
Beyond the Hold: Chapter Two
The oldest of the village elders was addressing the gathered villagers, speaking of tradition and the fair judgment of ka in matters poor malima'ka were unable to settle among themselves.
Chapter 22: You're Welcome
These things are explained to you by the village council when you start your apprenticeship. so going in, you know you might not live a normal lifespan."
Fairy Godmother
"you can't leave the village, but as long as you're like this i'm allowed to keep taking care of you. so... if you just never fully grow up you can stay in the village as a resident forever and then never have to get cursed. brilliant right?"
POV vore - you and a couatl
This story is set in the five villages area and is based on my story "the couatl's tower", which is also posted here. somewhere. 83 the villagers wouldn't say much about the tower.
Part 3: The Arena Blademaster
Surely enough: another walled village came into view, but somehow this one made the last two seem like villages for ants.
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 4
Toothless was still sleeping, so he thought he would take a walk through the village by himself.
It's says in the bible that he is wrong, and since he cannot right it, he must leave this village now. pack your things, hodan, you are now banished from this village."