true sight

At the time i work in a chemical processing plant, i was assigned to keep chemical's at a certain temperature so that they would not exploded from the heat or become useless because it was too would seem like a cushy job to some, but you had

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dark gaurdien chapter 4.txt

Your life energy will now be extra energy for me you useless dog! came sparks voice but deeper than normal. ripper could only watch as a toothy smile pulls across the beast before him and then from it came a roar which could only be accepted for death.

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Amandala: General Facts

However, all these attacks are barely half as strong as the normal versions, so they are nearly useless. the most damage flamethrower will do is maybe second degree burns--if she tries very hard.

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Echo - Road 65 ( 2/2 )

It was clear that the old quarter had begun to expand before the situation in the city deteriorated to the point of rendering any expansion effort useless. there was no one there early in the morning.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 29

He didn't even care if it was just some useless busy-job he'd end up getting either, like holding onto a piece of rope or something. the point was _being_there, _doing_ something. being _useful_. but on the other paw, ander was ridiculously clever.

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Mari Blackpaw's Background Story (basic)

.** **her body was lifted, rendered practically useless when the veil over her eyes was removed as the assailant carefully pushed her backwards over the cliff edge.

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The Golden One

useless." he muttered to himself, thinking coldly of his hateful uncle. the horses greeted him with happy eyes and kind nudges. it appeared that his only friends were the animals on his uncle's large farm.

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POEM: A Journey

Sitting in the daffodils and tulips, never feeling useless. so alive, at the wonderful age of five. full of life, magic everywhere. everyone you meet, with so much to share. dreams of wolf life, so vivid and surreal.

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The Dog Hole: Chapter 9 -- Nothing

"that's useless advice." "sir, if i may be blunt," "if someone wanted you to know they liked you, would you care what they were wearing when they finally came out with it?" he mulled over her words.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 64

"a club is going to be useless, sorrin," she said. "you can't swing that thing from up on a wall." "i need to have something in my hands, tabby. i'm lousy with a bow, so this will have to do. you got everything you need?"

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Sunwolves. (Prospective title) (Not by me)

His vision was rapidly growing useless in the night. "do you see that branch there, that is too solid to be a branch, next to the untilled edge of that field?"

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