Rise of the Gods - Prologue
It did not matter how they would chose to rule the universe and if they chose to destroy the universe sarbon would not interfere this time.
Revelation The Beginning
He was made of eight of the universal elements earth wind water fire dark light electricity and sound. he used these elements to help him govern the universe.
We will begin to focus on the universe and moving out assets (why did we have so much stored in this single universe?) as well as containing auramus.
Chapter XIII: The Return, Night One
"now then let's get back to why i am here in your universe; you made my universe.
Creation [Lore Information]
The first universe was called 'universe alpha', the prime universe for life which became home to the humans and other alien species.
Wind of Change: Chapter 37
If there are more lives than deaths, then the universe will destroy itself, like a wildly spreading cancer. conversely, if there are more deaths, then all lights will be gone, and the universe will be black.
Lykos - 06 - Vacation
"keepers possess more knowledge than most humans, knowledge that gives access to parts of our universe others have only dreamed of, but to get there they have to know how the universe works. science and magic go hand in hand." abel said.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 34: Iridescent Warmth
"he is attending barrowisle university, eighth semester. we couldn't find what major he is attending." big boss hummed. "he has just finished his internship, but we couldn't find what company he worked in."
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 38: Home Sweet Home, Part 1
Tom put the last piece of lemper on the plate. That was all, the snacks were ready for tonight, well, extras since apparently his guests liked his snacks and they ran out. The wolf let out a satisfied sigh and brought the plate to the living room....
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 37: The Door You Opened
"Where were you the day before yesterday?" Kevin looked up from his--well, Vilkas'--laptop. "Got stuff to do." The wolf replied simply before focusing his attention back on the laptop. "Stuff?" "Stuff." Vilkas closed the book in front of him and...
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 36: Panther in the City
He thought his university life would be better, that they would stop hunting him. instead, they fucked him up right at the end of college. he should be at his professor's room right now, consulting about what kind of topics should he read.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 29: Office Mates
_Max Kleinschmidt: "How about we meet up at Legerville Station n decide later? I dunno either lol"_ He typed his reply. "_Ok. See ya at 12ish. You mind if I bring Lucas? Our office is empty rn."_ Putting his phone down, Tom let out a sigh. He was...