Chasing the Sun - Chapter 43: A Chance to Try Again

He could just ignore this and think that a toddler was watching him but he'd been having this feeling for the past few days or more. " i told him, 'heh, you can't even talk to a customer without making them run away'. his face was priceless."

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 60

A floorplan so moronically simple that even a toddler could navigate it blindfolded. but not anymore.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 59

She hurled herself onto the sheet as far as she could manage, looking for all the world like a toddler trying to clamber out of its crib. "aisa!" she called, peering through the smoke on the other side, already beginning to feel the heat on her stomach.

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What Once Was Eden Chapter 2 Part 1 of 2

Gregor just hopped up on the camel like he'd ridden one since he was a toddler.

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Wolves of Hope: Freedom Trails

Marie demands, but there is fear in her eyes as she looks upon her frightened toddlers. "werewolves, that's what. you have been hiding in your little home for far too long. i've been watching and i now i know your little secret.

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Playing God: A Prologue Of Sorts: Born In Sin

But my life lacked... something, something it had had even when i was a terrified toddler, begging _please mummy no, i'll be good this time..._ i tried to think... ...and then i remembered having spent an entire afternoon, watching marcus sit completely

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Short Man

Like you would look at a toddler, reaching to grab the moon from the sky and wondering why something so close was so far away. for the first time, short man looked at little girl and saw a little girl. "what's the matter?"

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The Reptilian Blitz: Chapter 1

He just hung there, for like three seconds, before he realized i was still standing, so then he started punching me, so i just picked him up like a toddler and stuck him outside and closed the door... but oddly connor noticed even though the upshot he felt

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When your friend is far, far away

A daddy-fox was watching over his toddler son, as the little fox went up and down the smallest slide in the playground, giggling as he landed at the bottom and then made his way back up to the top of the slide to do it again.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 7

After some tests on the younger generations i've found that until that physical age the most they can do it accelerate, slow or even stop their aging, i mean hugs and tugs were barely older than toddlers for about a decade then they shot up with contrary heart


Timothy's Vacation

He had only ever been to the forest chalet as a toddler, and he couldn't remember very much about it. "what if the kids there make fun of me?" timothy thought to himself.

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 24

Toby yelled trying to figure out a way to get the werewolf toddler off of him. sasha froze and did not know what to do, so she flicked the boy in the nose making him yelp and release toby's leg at the same time.

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