GSA chapter:3

Derek know none of the girls except for two, jasmine, she was a grey tabby that always dressed in a pair of khakis and a polo. then there was nina, she was a white bunny. she was a cheerleader and was always in her outfit. "derek?".

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Unwanted But Warranted Publicity

A male tabby by a fountain asked. "i don't know, it might be a battle suit." the old greying kat besides him replied. "but where is the tail?" "probably tucked into the suit." so far so good, they actually thought he was one of these "enforcer" guys.

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 1 - "It Comes Soon"

The dog was counted as america's most powerful super alongside the arcane powerhouse that was magus (a tabby-cat archmage who patrolled the western seaboard), and they're combined reputations alone deterred many a titanic struggle with foreign super-villains

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Project Radikal Chp. 7 - A Planned Party.

Slowly sitting upwards and looking down on the floors to see blaze, tabby and a few other furs passed out on the floor. trying to remember what had happened and how i had gotten from the living room upstairs down the stairs and into the bedroom.

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A New Brother- Part 8

The one that had spoke was a ferret, but there was also a wolf, a tabby cat, a black labrador and a fox. they all seemed to be around the 16/17 age mark and troy smirked to himself when he heard one of them speak. "i'd love to get done by him."

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 94

_it's okay, tabby,_ he whispered, lightly rubbing her back. _it's okay..._ no one could have predicted what happened next, but looking back, sorrin should have known. he should have known. _nooo!!

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt.2)

Behind me a chair creaked as anna settled into it, i turned around and noticed how the tabby markings around anna's eyes made her face look wider than it really was. 'um, sugar? i can't remember.' i said with a laugh.

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Calico Burana: ch.7 - Father

"and the grumpy tabby is lucien," april continued. "his father is uncle soren--who i believe is also your father. so, that makes you two half-brothers. uncle soren is the ceo of felicity investments."

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Heroic Misadventures

Did i mention that this particular priest was a long haired tabby feline named oscar? when everyone made it to the village, there where furs crying... wailing... and just plain going nuts.

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Tales from Silicon City 8: Bake Sale

Capacitor was sampling the stalls the best her wallet would allow, the thunder-thigh tabby cat electricity-manipulator buying up a collection of this and that to stuff in her mouth one treat after another.

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Swat Kats Hollow Arc Chapter 2

Jake teased as he followed the tan furred tabby down into the secret headquarters they had built under the salvage yard. twenty minutes later the two kats were changed and flying over megakat city at high speed.

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Thoughts (Jo)

All of us refuse to budge, and that's when our homeclass teacher (which is also our morph biology teacher) steps in, that tabby cat orders us to move in front or else it's marks off the test script.

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