Dartmouth Part Three: Weekend Out
_Author's note: The Drifter returns tomorrow, so check it out if you haven't had the chance yet._ ## Dartmouth Part Three: Weekend Out Well I was finally about to experience the town that I lived in. I woke up at around nine that Saturday, ate a...
More Sapphire's Nightmares- Three-part
"Daddy! Daddy! Look at this!" Sapphire was almost dragging her father outside of the house to show him something cool. "Not right now, dear. Daddy's tired..." he mumbled. His old and venerable voice was barely cracking out the words. "Daddy wants to...
The Angel
A cold wind and a light haze drifted low through the forest's floor. All was dark. All was still. A night as any other. It was a time for the creatures of day, to rest, and a time for the creatures of night, to flourish. It was rare for one world, to...
Shadow of Brooklyn - Preview Ukrainian War Intro
Rocco crouched as he peered around the corner of the desolate Ukrainian hotel in the middle of Kiev. He was hesitant to continue with his patrol,Kiev was becoming the center point for the Soviet Army's mortar and missile bombardment, a tactic that...
Disease, Chapter 2
Hey! This story may involve adult themes in the future! I will mark said sections, so all 2 of you who DON'T want porn, or those who aren't 18 or older, can skip these totally not-plot-essential parts. No porn yet. Dyno woke up slowly, the...
Disease, Chapter 1
Hey! This story may involve adult themes in the future! I will mark said sections, so all 2 of you who DON'T want porn, or those who aren't 18 or older, can skip these totally not-plot-essential parts. No porn yet. "I'm looking for a man...
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 20 - Thirteen
Besides, i managed to keep ya'll in suspense for a day or two, hmm? (i hope. if not, just dodge the ego) this is a long chapter too, so do your best to enjoy ^\_^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i woke up, screaming in the wind.
The Creeps - Chapter One: Claude
The Creeps By: templeshore Chapter One: Claude It was the day of the Bi-Annual Internship Fair and the student body of Squid Harbor Community College could not have been more mildly excited. After all, classes were canceled and the event was...
Ransom Soul (2013)
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, the following story is fanfiction. An: An old story from when I was Gardie. This version has minor changes to the text. _Thoughts_ \<Pokemon speech.\> "Human speech." ----- Ryan was fourteen-years-old and had been...
A Close Port of Call
A Close Port of Call by Altivo Overo "What beast couldst thou be, that were not subject to a beast?" --William Shakespeare, _Timon of Athens,_ Act IV, Scene 3 Dockmaster Mark Partine looked up from his terminal when the proximity chime sounded....
The devil's home
I was walking, slowly, through the shaded woods, the sunlight was nigh impossible to see through the dark, murky tree tops, each step like a step closer into oblivion. It was then, then I saw the house, ivy-choked, old, maybe even Victorian, and near...
Halloween-Inspired Story: Ghost Unlaid Forbear Thee
**Halloween-Inspired Story - Ghost Unlaid Forbear Thee** A ferret, seemingly in her sixties, had just turned around the corner when she encountered it. She needed a second to register what it was, but as she did, her mouth opened in a shrill...