The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 2
Plan formed, throwing caution to the wind; i stalked forward. the approach was easy, but a stray breeze blew my scent toward the deer. he stopped turned and looked right at me.
The Sapphire guardian
stalking over to the bar, he waited for the rest of the tavern's patrons to turn back to their conversations.
Attack of The Nameless One
Frank "the tank" franklin (frankie frank to his friends) had stalked the beast for days. he waded through hours of pure hell to get there.
Ascenscion Run Rampant...
The enthralled goblinfurre, he knew now they referred to themselves as such, stalked to his side like some deranged butler, affecting a mock bow. darkfyre allowed a very wicked grin to play across his maw, which began to open impossibly wide.
An Ode to Canada
Polar bears stalk the ice in search of seals, and arctic foxes trail behind in hopes of getting a free leftover meal.
Havana or Hell, Part 8 (Final part)
Gently, i pulled the head off his body, like a ripe cherry off its stalk. it made a soft snap as it came off and blood spouted from his neck like water from a burst pipe. thankfully, kat was still asleep on the couch.
The Blizzard
What she did see, however, was the shadow that stalked toward her.
Chapter 2: Apparition
Zeke read the pm carefully and stalked off, paws in his pockets.
Breaking Point, Chapter I: Hyperballad
And for the record, i think karl made the right decision," becca opened her mouth, faltered, and then spun on her heels, stalking out of the room in a swirl of starched lab coat.
The Newlyweds Next-Door - Book 01 - Chapter 01
I promise i won't stalk or make voodoo dolls of you then. does that make you feel any better?" noah looks back to david, stammering as he tries to respond. "ahh... er... well..."
Deaths demise (ch1)
Unfortunately the tears and food atracted a feral dog who stalked from the bushes, starved and looking for an easy meal. without warning it lunged at dale! ripping and tearing at his leg causing his orange fur to become a dark crimson.
Flight Academy: Chapter 2
It takes me a second to realize that they are full of crackers and one, being lightly racist, has bamboo stalks. i give a more than deadpan look to the group in response to the random food.