The Unique Snivy And His Big Adventure: Charter 4 Mystery Pokemon

The ranks of quest go from lowest to highest in order f, e, d, c, b, a, s and after that the higher the number next to the s means extremely harder like s2, but i heard that they try their best to put rank c or higher for outlaws that attack back or sneaky

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 15

Don't even try to pull anything sneaky, because we _will_ find out. even if we go down, there are dozens more to pick up where we left off. do you understand?" _i will not cry. i will not cry. i will not cry._ danado nodded.

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To Be Somebody...Final chapter

That sneaky little..." this time, cyrno really did laugh. xiao narrowed his eyes at him and he looked away. still, he felt a bit sorry for his friend, but he couldn't help but notice the look of joy that xiao was trying desperately to hide.

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Black Magic - Chapter Three: Friends Of The Family

He's a mimic, a sneaky shape shifter that can transform their physical appearance and augment their physical abilities to closely match whatever form they've chosen to take. cats, dogs, birds, men, women, little children; he can do it all.

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Surprise Visit Gone... Wrong?

The two laughed over this, with tanner losing at the end due to michael deciding to be sneaky with his tickles and belly rubs. "i win, you big, bad wolf! turns out being a huge werewolf is not an instant win, is it?"

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Venturing: Corner Wings

"according to yang, we are told to infiltrate this building and sneaky towards our goal at the far end of the building. located at the center is our target."

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Zootopia movie script: Zootopia SWAT act 4

It has all the marks of a hustle and it's damn smart, ingeniously sneaky and downright crafty which for a fox who hustled for years?

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Which Way Is The Guatemalan Way?

With an approving nod from ren, the sneaky orange fox draws a fake mustache on the snoozing bear. he snaps a pic and shares a quick laugh with ren. chris takes his fox and pulls him down onto his lap. "what are you doing?" he asks/growls.

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Bon Hiver

"that is sneaky," field said. "mm." adelaide swallowed. "well ... we gotta go inside." "well, i can make us soup," the mouse said. "some soup, or something hot. i can make supper," he said helpfully. a smile. "okay."

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 33

Who knows what those sneaky bastards might be up to?" dorin stood up and made for the exit without a word, trying not to think about how three wolves would be dead by the time the sun rises on wardo's second day as chieftain. "oh, almost forgot!

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 69

That sneaky... little... _bint_! if she's where i think she is!" "mother?" "i'm going to kill her! 'illness' be damned!"

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 23

"i understand," the wolf said, sounding so downtrodden and feeble it made luke want to try and stab him all over again, the sneaky manipulative fake lying piece of- "i'm still waiting for an answer, boys," dad said.

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