Surprise Visit Gone... Wrong?
Tanner hummed a random song he heard on the radio this morning as he cleaned up the cafe. Business is surprisingly going better than he expected, Tanner still felt like he's having a really good dream from all the attention on his cafe in the middle of nowhere.
It was supposed to be a simple plan to move out of the city as a way to relax from the busy life with the cafe as a side project of sorts since Tanner really enjoys cooking during his free time. The former chef who worked at a Michelin-star restaurant back in the day had decided to repurpose his grandmother's house to fulfill her last wishes. "Well, this is for you, grandma. It sure is funny how your wish works really well with this other thing I'm dealing with..." Tanner mumbled as he is closing up the cafe for the day.
The first floor had been decorated into a cafe with display cases showcasing a variety of cakes and ice creams with miniature models of the food Tanner serves, from pancakes to steaks. Sure, the main theme is more on the idea of providing wholesome breakfast meals for potential customers while also enjoying the beautiful view of the other farms through the cafe windows, but Tanner is not going to limit his cafe with just that.
The moment he put steaks in the menu, his customer base expanded even more significantly. The farmers in the area would keep coming back for Tanner's apple pies and steaks, and soon enough, tourists would visit from the increasing reputation as well. He's just relieved that his new acquaintances from the farmlands immediately help him out in the cafe soon after, completely addicted to the steaks. He's cooking up way more because of it but Tanner really can't complain when these farmers would provide him with some of the ingredients as well, saving up the costs.
"These folks sure eat a lot of these, but can't be helped, I mean... Delicious meat..." Tanner wiped the drool on his chin and snapped out of it. Shaking his head, the chef mumbled, "Come on, Tanner, not the time. Just three more days..."
Michael grumbled in his car, stuck in the traffic jam due to the holiday season. "Ugh, this is the worst..."
The poor businessman had just finished up an urgent request from a client, ruining his plans. Michael had agreed to help Tanner out with his cafe for his two-week break, using up all of his days off for the year. (Well, he missed Tanner and his food, too, but that's not as important.) He made sure to finish up all of his responsibilities so he can be in peace in the farmlands, but of course, pesky customers would always show up at the wrong time.
"Yo, Tanner, I don't think I will be there in time, bud. Got a Karen at the last minute, and all these fucking cars," Michael called.
Tanner chuckled, "It's fine, buddy. The cafe's not to busy today, so no worries. Feel free to visit tomorrow instead!"
"I mean, I should be there in a few hours if you want. Am I interrupting something?" Michael asked.
"N-no, no, you're fine. It's just that... uh... we got this... monthly event! Me and the locals in the farmland would be... having a party and... you know... don't want you to get in that mess." Tanner stuttered.
Well, that's odd. Tanner is always awful at hiding stuff, and he never mentioned anything like this before. "Awww, come on, bro, I'm used to parties, you don't have to worry about me. Really, I'm fine visiting..."
"No, I REALLY suggest you come here TOMORROW, MICHAEL." Michael was stunned, that was an unexpected reaction. Might just be in his head, but Tanner's voice sounds even deeper than usual?
"W-whoa, no need to get mad there. All right, all right, I'll visit you tomorrow then," Michael tried to calm his best friend down.
"A-ah, sorry, sorry! Didn't mean to be angry, Mike. It's just... complicated. Promise me you will do so? I'll make it up to you, really," Tanner answered.
"I got it, Tanner, no worries. See you tomorrow, bud?" Michael lied.
"Yep, s-see you,"Tanner replied, sounded way happier now.
"Yeah, he's really bad at hiding something," Michael mumbled. This is the first time he heard Tanner like that.
"Whatever, it's too late to turn back anyway. No motels around this area, and he will see me tonight no matter what," Michael smirked. The poor guy did not know what he's going to discover...
When Michael reached the farmland, it's already night out with a full moon on the sky. The businessman sighed, it's been way too long since he last saw Tanner, and his best buddy sure is living in a peaceful environment. Sure, it's a bit... interesting that no one is out this early in the night, but maybe it has something to do with the event Tanner mentioned?
"That fucking liar..." Well, so much for that excuse of having an event. Michael saw the cafe is well-lit, but he cannot see the insides because of the window curtains. After parking the car across the street, he decided to give Tanner a surprise visit.
As he approached the cafe, he heard a lot of people talking and laughing. Well, whoever they are, seems like they're having a blast. "Tanner never mentioned that the cafe is open at night though," Michael thought. He decided to knock on the door loudly.
"Oh, that must be Jason. Stupid mutt must have overslept. Let me get that!"
Suddenly, complete silence once the door is opened. Everybody froze at the sight.
Michael's eyes bulged as he saw a towering werewolf in front of him. He's not the only one though. Everyone stopped talking, and all eyes are on him. Yellow eyes. Yep, now he's feeling as if he's a rabbit in a wolves' den.
The spell is broken as the werewolf in front of him said, "MICHAEL!?"
Michael blinked at this, and he immediately realized, "TANNER!?"
Tanner kept opening and closing his maw, not knowing what to say. He was not ready to tell Michael all about this! What the fuck is he even going to do now!?
Suddenly, he heard awkward chuckles from Michael. "W-well, uhhhh, seems like you got some growth spurts over the year?"
Well, that made him roll his eyes. Tanner growled, "Mike, I told you to visit tomorrow, god damn it."
Michael stared at the ground, looking guilty. "W-well, I thought you were hiding something, so... I, uh... decided to... visit and... help out?"
Tanner put his paw on his face, grumbling. "Just great, what am I going to tell the others?" The werewolves drilling their eyes on the two is not helping either.
Michael hesitated, "Uh... Ah... Do I have to run or something? Like in those werewolf movies, before I get eaten or turned for knowing the secret?"
Tanner guffawed at this, "What? No! Geez, Mike, you are watching way too much of that shit. You're fine! I just wish you didn't find out like this..."
One of the werewolves sitting on the cafe chairs scoffed at this, "Come on, lads. Stop hesitating and just kiss each other already, or whatever!"
"K-K-K-K-Kiss!?" Michael stuttered, blushing furiously.
"Aston, what the fuck?" Tanner snarled at him, but his tail is wagging vigorously on the ground.
Aston rolled his eyes, "This is the same Michael you kept talking about, right? Don't even lie about it, and don't even pretend you didn't notice the smells either!"
Tanner grumbled, "All right, show's over. You guys do your things inside," and shut the cafe doors. The two can hear the werewolves whistling at them even after doing so.
"Look, can we... talk somewhere else? Please?" Tanner begged.
"O... OK," Michael nodded. That's the only thing he can say as his brain is currently having a mild blue screen moment from the information overload.
As the werewolf and the human reached a nearby wheat farm, Michael sighed. "So, how long have you been a werewolf? Did you... get turned by them?"
Tanner growled, "I told you, they're nice people. Knew what I am, and immediately welcomed me just like that. Well, grandma did live here beforehand, so that helps a lot too."
"And for your question, no. It's always a thing in the family, but I was also just as surprised as you are when I realize everyone in this farmland are werewolves. Well, the majority of them, anyway."
Something clicked in Michael's mind. "A-ah, so is that why you would often be unavailable for one day every month? The full moon?"
The werewolf nodded, "Yes. There is not a lot of places to safely change in the university, and with you sharing my dorm room... N-not blaming you! It's just that... The urge to change during the full moon is way stronger if you stayed human for the entire month."
Michael asked, "That's why you guys are doing this monthly meeting thing?"
Tanner chuckled at this, "Nah, not really. Just an excuse to celebrate the full moon nights with each other. Sure, I had to break my back preparing a bunch more food for us wolves to devour them all without limiting ourselves as humans, but it's all fun and games at the end of it. The runs in the nearby forest are quite the stress relief too."
"Is... that why you moved out? To be... free?" Michael continued.
Tanner whimpered at this. "Well, part of it. It's more on the smells and noises in the city. I thought I can handle it, but... it gets a bit too much. You have no idea how much more painful it is to be more sensitive to sounds. Here? It's just so much more peaceful."
"Also, not saying that my former job is awful either. Hell, the pay is awesome! However, it gets to be a bit... too much? Sure, I gained a lot of experience from it, but... I don't know. I feel like it's time to pursue my passion with this cafe idea, you know? Trying out recipes and making food that is easily affordable to everyone, not creating those fucking expensive dishes all the time. T-those things are delicious, trust me, but..."
Michael held the werewolf's paw, "Well, buddy, seems like you are doing well here, right? Good for you! I mean, have you checked the reviews? Folks are hyping up your food, man."
The werewolf grinned widely at this, showcasing his fangs. "Well, things are a bit hectic in the kitchen because of it, though. It's all worth it in the end seeing those smiles."
Michael stared at the werewolf as Tanner is currently reminiscing the past few months managing his cafe. Ahhh, that precious expression. Even as a werewolf, Tanner is still... Tanner. It's great to see him happy like this. It's been way too long since they last met, and even though this night has been surprising, he's glad he did the surprise visit.
Michael realized that it's quiet for some time now, the werewolf smirking at him. "W-what?"
"You know, it's been a while to see you like this. That silly blank expression you got when you are deep in thoughts, heh," Tanner chuckled.
"I-it's not silly, fuck you!" Michael blushed.
Tanner barked at this. "Right, right, sure it's not!"
Michael lightly punched Tanner's chest, causing the werewolf to growl. "Well, well, someone wants to be a "victim" like in those movies, I see?"
The werewolf suddenly pounced on the human, causing the two to wrestle next to the wheat field. The two laughed over this, with Tanner losing at the end due to Michael deciding to be sneaky with his tickles and belly rubs.
"I win, you big, bad wolf! Turns out being a huge werewolf is not an instant win, is it?" Michael chuckled at the sight before him.
The werewolf's tail is now thumping vigorously with his tongue lolling out, panting over the touch. "H-hey! That's b-because... you're cheating! Come ooonnn, get oooofff," Tanner tried his best to complain.
"Look at you, reminds me of a massive pet dog. Such a good boi, right, bud?" Michael smirked.
Tanner whimpered at this, blushing. "S-stupid wolf... I-I tried my best t-to be immune to this, but..."
Michael laughed out loud at this, as he laid down on the ground next to the squirming werewolf. "What's to hide about it? I think it just makes you even more adorable!" He blinked at what he just said, "Oh, u-uh, I mean... Never mind."
"You know, Tanner, I kinda wish you would have told me back when we were roommates," Michael stated.
"Pssshhh, you say that now, but you were a wimp way back. If you see me wolfing out, you would shriek like a banshee and ran out of the room!" Tanner smirked.
"Am not!" Michael defended, blushing.
"You are! Let's not forget your reactions when I entered the dorm room when you least expect it, yelping like us wolves too!" Tanner guffawed.
Ahhhh, maybe this is what he wanted. A full moon night with the other werewolves is very fun, but nothing can beat this feeling with Michael. His best friend, his... MINE. Tanner blinked, and shook his head. "Come on, wolf, calm down, you are skipping a bunch of steps here," Tanner reminded himself.
"Buddy? Random though, but what did Aston meant with... w-what he said earlier?" Michael questioned.
Fuck, of course he remembered that. "I don't know... He's just being a silly mutt as always," Tanner tried to change the topic.
Michael sighed at this, "You do know your werewolf body is way more expressive than you are, right? Your tail is wagging again."
Tanner sighed in return. Fuck it. It's not like he didn't get what Aston meant earlier. Seems like it's the right time to be forward with his buddy. The werewolf smirked, "Ugh, you always did a good job on figuring me out. Although... why are you checking my body so much, Mike?"
Bullseye. Look at that bumbling mess. "Uh... I... ah... You see... Nope... y-you are... seeing things! Right! B-besides, that tail is quite loud with just the two of us!" Michael tried to lie.
Tanner decided to let out a playful snarl. "Weeeeellll, isn't it nice to have the tables turned? My nose is telling me that you are lying, buddyyyyy."
Michael cursed at the realization. "Fuck, I fucking forgot. The stuff about werewolves capable of smelling emotions are true, isn't it!? Damn it!"
Tanner laughed at the human covering his tomato face with his hands, failing spectacularly. "Not so fun when you are in the spotlight, right? Cute. Anyway, Aston is right." The werewolf stood up, staring at Michael.
"Mike, I... know about your feelings. Your reactions tonight convinced me even more about them. I... uh..." Tanner placed his paw behind his head. "Well, if it helps, I l-like you too. I-I had hoped that I would have revealed about my werewolf situation and my feelings in a few more days while you're here, but... This seems like the best time to do it, no?" The werewolf tried his best to keep his tail in place during his confession, and he's glad that the fur hides his blush during this.
Michael sighed, "Greeeeeeeat, so the entire farmland already know about our feelings to each other, way earlier before we got to this talk." He blushed, "Yes, Tanner, I miss you so much over this year and... L-let's just say that you look just as f-fine as a werewolf too. D-don't let that g-get in your..."
Screw the tail, fuck it. This is such an adorable sight. Tanner approached the panicking human, and... "Shut up and kiss me, babe."
The two embraced each other and sealed their first kiss under the full moon, celebrating their new relationship.
The couple chuckled. "Well, Mike, let's get back to the cafe, shall we? They're going to ask for more food at this point," Tanner offered his paw to his boyfriend.
Michael giggled at this, "Sure, lead the way, love." The human accepted the wolf's paw, and the two walked hand-in-hand back to Tanner's house.
Of course, as they entered the cafe, the werewolves cheered and howled over the couple. Not even a second later, Michael and Tanner are led to an empty table with a bunch of food and drinks on it.
Aston winked, "We just know that you two will be a thing tonight, so enjoy our gifts!"
Tanner smirked, "Right, right, with the food right from my pantry. Reaaaaallly appreciate it, bud."
Aston laughed, "And you know it, big guy!" The wolf offered his paw to the human. "Nice to meet you, Michael."
Michael smiled and took his paw, "Nice to meet you too, Aston."
As the festivities come to a close, the werewolves said goodbye to Tanner and Michael. Some are planning to enjoy running in the forest, with some others deciding to get some sleep. The couple is busy cleaning up the cafe before closing up as well.
"So, Tanner, what are you going to do now?" Michael asked as he is sweeping the floor.
Tanner cocked his head as he is collecting the dishes. "Well, I think I will be staying here for the time being. Not sure about it being permanent, but... Business is doing well here, so... Maybe expanding later on. How about you?"
Michael paused a bit before giving his answer, "Well, babe, I've been thinking... Well, not right now, but what do you think about me moving in and helping out here? I admit, it's quite a change of pace living in this kind of environment."
Tanner barked happily at this, "W-well, love, that would be great! I-I've actually been thinking the same thing, but... I don't want to drop the question right now, you know? You're still way too new about all this, so... B-but yeah, I would be happy about it when the time comes!"
Michael smiled back, and blushed as he remembered the next thing he wanted to say. He approached the werewolf, embracing him. "Well, I'm glad we're on the same page about this, Tanner, and..."
He whispered in the werewolf's ear. "Let's just make sure to celebrate the moving in part with you turning me, all right, my wolf?" Michael winked at the blushing werewolf.
Tanner put his paws on his face. "Y-Y-Y-Y-You sure? I-I mean, I'll be happy to!" The werewolf teared up a bit, "Again, though, Mike, one step at a time, all right? Don't be too hasty about this, love."
Michael smiled, "Of course, my wolf. Just wanting to say that it's not out of the question."
Five years later...
Tanner stood in front of the cafe once more before finishing up. He had to admit, Michael's idea to create an outdoor space at the back of the cafe creates a more serene feeling to the place. With a zen garden theme in mind, tables and chairs are placed close to the koi pond with a variety of flowers planted around the area. During the day, customers would be able to relax with their food. During the night, the werewolves would happily hang out around the area with tea slowly competing with beer as a drink choice.
Business has been doing even better, with Tanner opening up a new branch in the city. Sure, the two would have to make some trips to the bustling city to inspect the place, but the earmuffs helped a lot in dealing with the noise. Besides, the hired staff would be visiting the farmlands anyway for cooking lessons and briefings if needed.
Tanner shook his head as he closed up the cafe for today, chuckling. As he shifted into his werewolf form, Tanner entered the second floor to see the best addition in his life. "What's up, babe?"
In the living room, sitting on the sofa is a werewolf finishing up with the e-mails on his laptop. Michael smiled back at him, "Welcome back, love. Just give me a sec with this last one."
Michael had moved to Tanner's house 2 years ago. Once they are finished unpacking Michael's belongings, the werewolf agreed to the promise between them and turned his lover. From that point on, the two would stay in their wolf form whenever they are alone in the house.
Next month is going to be another step in their relationship. Tanner had proposed during one of their forest runs, and they are now busy planning things out with the wedding ceremony. Both parents accepted the two with open arms, with Michael's parents having knowledge about them as werewolves. Michael's mom and dad were overjoyed at the news, and the two decided to give their son some belly rubs. Tanner took some pictures during the occasion, seeing the new werewolf having the same reactions as he did.
Tanner smiled as he sat down next to Michael, and putting his arm over his shoulders. "One more month to go. I love you so much, Michael."
Michael hugged the wolf in return, "I love you too, Tanner."