The Webb clan chapter 1

After a few more repeats of this, he placed the scythe's blade through the lion's skull. the first challenge was over, but there was many more to go.


Burner Lullaby

His skull lay back upon the headrest with a deep, slow sigh. his right ear flicked sluggishly whilst the song played to completion, only to begin anew.

The Apocalypse.

I aimed as fast as i could and fired, the bullet penetrating the beasts skull, blood exploding out the other side as it fell to the ground dead.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 172

His missing eye now had a missing lid to go with it, creating a deep red pit inside his skull, and his jaw was in even worse shape than nilia's. his mouth didn't even look like a recognisable mouth anymore.

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Out The Door

Second, the can severed as a stand-in for their skulls, just to remind them what these fangs truly were meant to do. here we go; open wide, pull back the lips so they can have clear view, bite down through the can.

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A Feathered Wit

Your skull smooths back, reshaping to conform to his every word. your vision blurs even more as your eyes spread apart in your skull, leaving more room for your smooth beak. "those eyes..."

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The Uncorrupted

Somehow, it seemed to be smiling, if a skull could smile. but it was the eyes that burned into erik's very soul, seemingly searching for something, something in the very core of erik's being.

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Frank Beary Alabaster, Private Investigator

The croc, wanting in on the action launches himself forward in a spectacular fashion ramming his hard leather skull into the battered sack of gut meat in beary's frame.

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Invane: Backing Stoneager

Horizoki said nothing else but a stare back towards him; his ears flattened against his skull. he started whining.

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Invane: Snicker's Ice

As we split up to take each of the caverns, we stopped in front of us and raised our ears out from our skulls. quietly, we listened to whomever had inhabited the caverns. and when we cannot, we just entered in.

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Forgotten Dreams

I awoke with nothing more then pain burning it's way deep into my skull. it seemed as though a searing blade was splitting my skull, and scorching my very brain.

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too war

"we figured we would let them try to knock some sense into that thick skull of yours, but it looks like they can't even do that right."

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