The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 20
All sorts of people were among the stream of jumpers, while he believed that the more resilient dragons will survive the fall, especially the older ones, the chances for other smaller people, like the cheetahs or moles were slim. very slim.
The Limits
So far, subject displays strong resilience to such a high bmi.
Lykos - Lonely Mountain
We are stronger, faster, more resilient...
Lykos - Lonely Mountain
We are stronger, faster, more resilient...
Project X | Chapter IV: Deception
If there's any way i can describe him in one word, i'd have to call him resilient above all else. kid doesn't know his limits, and i'm proud of him for it." he made me chuckle.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 7
Are does bright components which are the key composition of your creation a means of the vigorous forces of life to formulate your resilience against the pestiferous forces that overshadow your realm?
Adeventure With a Kitsune
She asked as she shot him twice, once in the chest just below his heart and once in his stomach but he continued resiliently forward.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 59
He roared through her screams, surprised about his own resilience to her blows, her claws left cuts on his body deeper than any sword did in a while and yet he held, held as firm as his determined sister did when reaching for the throne.
Where Land Meets Water - Chapter 3
And sandstone is a resilient rock that doesn't erode fast, so large bodies of water can move safely across it." that was all the explanation the otter needed.
Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 11 – The Price of Revenge…Regret
Mike had been pretty tight lipped about everything, but from what i had heard about him from other members of the local pack, he was resiliant as hell, and never gave in.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 14
His hand moved slowly, expecting the dragon to hiss and grunt, it's the most normal thing, touching a wound, especially this serious, would put the less resilient in a state of shock.
I, Dacien Chapter Eight: Regency
If that distortion happened to living flesh, even flesh as resilient and tough and superior as minotaur flesh, the results were disastrous.