Let my death be the reason you keep fighting." to this day, she is one of the first reasons i fight. i don't want to lose anymore friends. not to finitevus, not anyone.
Blaze christmas
That's it ... that's the reason you sent her there was just for more money when you had enough to support everything. the only reason i was sent there was because my dad lost his job. you sir are fucked up!
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 70 - Through her eyes...
It's the reason why she stayed single all along... because she knew no one can... it's funny how i always confused love with sex...
Evolution's Gate, Forever Legendary, Mew's Christmas Carol and The Human Species - Q&A
This is something it strikes me as weird not to have seen in the show: if pokemon are sentient, there's no reason they couldn't be members of law enforcement or anything else, for that matter.
Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 8: Fyrin the Expelled
The only reason i agreed to have fyrin removed was because of what happened to sionache. i wouldn't have allowed it if not for that."
Light Bane: Chapter 20
For him, the most reasonable reason to the scenery and his weird body was the common trope that was the fad of his time regarding fantasy plots: that he died in an auto accident
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 2- Decision's Echo
Oh yeah... and there was his mother's smallest obsession with calling him "lukey" for some reason. the mother coon was a short one in her mid-forties, and weight just above the two hundred pound mark, and constantly going up and down for various reasons.
Zootopia AU- Looking for a future - Chapter 1
All of them, apparently, had been caged there to investigate in secret the reason of them becoming savages.
Faith Containment Log: Diamond
Yeah, it was hard to keep my eyes on her for some reason. agent: did anything else happen?
Claiming The Home (Preview Chapter)
As the door opened, letting in light and for some reason, fog, mister fuzzles made his entrance.
I Sleep
Now i have no reason to survive, no reason to go on. to the lake i will go, into the peace and quite. nobody will miss me, not after i'm gone not ever again. into the lake, it's so warm and peacefull, such a wonderfull place to sleep.
Chapter 8 (Todd)
"was sex the only reason for all three of your break-ups?" i ask. it's interesting to hear about wendell's past relationships. "no. it was always part of the reason."