Grad-Bash Part 17

His parents had sent him off to that camp. and one of the counselors...i'm not going to go into it. his parents didn't believe him, they said he just wanted to get out of it.

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new life: chapter 1

Hi, i'm jake i'm 16 years old my height is 5'11 and weigh 170lbs and also i'm a wolf and so are my parents.

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I kept waiting 'till my parents got home, but somehow ... i knew that this morning ... was the last time i would have seen them. "they're not coming back." i thought, getting pretty sad.

Beckon of Light

It was my fault that my parents died. "hun, it was not your fault... that your parents died" robin was on his one knee and looked up to me, held his hand on my chin, caressed it. "but i was the one who came up with the idea..."

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My Name Is Jason Shallowater

I quickly grew to love them as if they were my real parents, they were definitely kinder than my birth parents. traumatized by the events of my past, i had gotten in with a bad crowd.

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Love is a Puzzle: Part I

My parents are probably wondering where i am, and god help us both if my parents find out i was with you. i'm not sure if my mom would just say you 'tainted' me or if my dad will come over for a more...physical approach."

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Emotion, Moving, and Leaving - Rhysoning chapter 4

I nodded, "then i'll tell your parents, and misha." "thank you tatsuya." i looked at the sky, the sun was high, "i'm going to go, i have to make sure i have a few things before i go, and i want to at least spend some of today with my parents."

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Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.1)

I don't want to feel like i need to be involved in helping the new parents... i don't even have a car or a job to do so, so if we were involved at all it would have to involve our parents, too..."

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Juryokine: Chapter Four

He saw his parents stepping out of a taxi just as he rounded the corner leading to the school gate.

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Kingdom Digimon-Chapter 1: A New Adeventure and A New Awakening

Yet the next thing i saw surprised me: my parents put themselves in the way of the heartless. my parents were willing to fight an impossible fight and die for me as evidenced by my father taking a boxing stance.

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Of Diets and Defiance [1/2]

As if to add insult to injury, their parents weren't just criticizing their lifestyle; they were trying to take away what they enjoyed most about it too.

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