Believe – Chapter 21: Three kings
A king is the leader of his species. you wolves call them 'alpha' i think, right?" imya thought about her father and nodded. "so red and liam are also leader of their packs?" she asked and looked at red with interest.
Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 1
The leaders nodded before jae gave a warm smile, "we need to make sure that the two new leaders also gets in on it, right?"
When the Grid Became Real: part 1
, the leader demanded. blue began unwrapping his tail from around himself and stretched lazily, the tail falling to the ground. "well, i wouldn't call that a proper greeting to your creator. very disrespectful.", blue said.
A Boy and His Lucario Part 6
leader: brock, the rock hard trainer!" john gulped. lucario grabbed john by the hand and started pulling him towards the door.
The Unintended Curse ch7
It was at that moment that i saw the leader of the group that had scarred the elf, and the focus of my revenge.
Cries to the Moon: Sins of the Father
The first was to live as their new leader, the second, death. robert, knowing he had to protect daniel, chose to act as their leader. he sighed as reality came drifting back.
“Wabbajack The Cat” A Story inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
The leader of the nord gang said as he raised his sword and pointed it at wabbajack.
Krystal and Chase: Hidden Threat p5
The squad leader gave the signal to move up. two of the soldiers did so, keeping their rifles leveled at the corner.
F.L.A.S.H. Chapter I
"this, is leader hall, you can see every leader ever in charge of sky council. from the great carex lyres,our founder, to the current baron ovenheart." the two stopped where elevator pods awaited them.
Verse One: Bittersweet Sacrifice
The largest structure sat at the back of the village, which housed the delegated leaders of the four clans. the guard pulled the tent flap back, allowing the spellsword to enter.
The Hunters Gather - 1
It was nyai who aided us, the massive leaders eyes bright as he opened long cuts down the beasts snout.
The Unique Snivy And S Big Adventure: Chapter 5 Uniting As One
As the leaders first command hahaha i'm joking but can you?" watching the rest take a 1000 pokedollars each. levine:"yeah as you say leader jason" laughing being sarcastic "i find it funny how the leader of our team is the youngest right?"