Commission: Corporate Ballroom (ShadowRun Story)

And with their eyes focusing easily into the alpha labs ears folded back in worry and curiosity as they found themselves looking on into a dark lab.

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A Romantic Night

A few minutes later, a female lab ever so softly padded up to him. quickly, but softly, rachel wrapped her arms around his waist, leaned against his back, and whispered, "hey, hun," in his ear.

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They feared that he was still in the house, then poof, his image blurred back to the coverage of the basement while they spoke of the remnants of a lab. they believed that was the cause of the fire.

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Project Pandora

Elpis's face remains completely emotionless and unmoving as tears started to form in his eyes, trailing down his cheeks before dropping down the oversized lab coat.

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 4

The chocolate lab looked at the pup. despite how severe the situation might be, he noticed something. marshall's fur. he had never noticed how shiny the spotted pup's fur was.

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Marshall's Love Adventure

He started dreaming of zuma every night, and was crazy for the chocolate lab pup. it even got to the point where he would daydream about the chocolate lab. it wasn't until someone yelled his name out that he would come back to reality.

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Drachen und Dinosaurier World Kapitel 4

Marco (dragon) ich hatte in meiner höhle mit einem der leute hinter dem projekt dino genetic labs erobert gelandet.

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Fun With Science

Outside it was as if the world was just the same as in the lab, you could see the ripples made by each movement, "yavett, i need you to come with me. as it would seem the device is no longer in the lab."

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Being What You Eat

He let out a satisfied sigh and walked down the lab corridor. now, to eat everyone else here... he was still hungry, after all~

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 12

"sure, i don't have any classes until lab later today." his ears perked slightly at that statement. "you have lab tonight? me too, who do you have?" he asked me, excitement creeping into his voice. "harrison at 5 o'clock, how about you?" i responded.

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