A Spare in the Trunk: Part IX
Her long, slow breaths fogged up the glass, hiding the scene. the smiles, the warmth, the love. she didn't deserve it, not someone like her, not a kobold.
Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 3
I am a dragon, and whatever pitiful way you have of hiding will prove fruitless to my superior senses!
Bound In Beast Flesh -- Aperture
I will be a man, that lays with beasts, and walks as them, and wears their hide as my own."
Hunting shadows P:2
Onyx understood how he felt, but had had a little more time in life to learn how to hide his emotions. though they were the same age, onyx had spent four years under the control of dragons, learning to hide his fear from their prying eyes.
Izzy Character Profile
He is also a bookworm...er...booksquirrel...as he loves to read and spends most if not all of his time hiding with a book in his paws, completely absorbed in the text.
Jon Mahon Chronicles
If bill nye couldn't destroy jon he could at least hide from jon.
WIP (continued)
Her breath caught in her throat as she watched from the bushes she was hiding under. they were now no more than five feet from her hiding place. just then the soldiers froze at the sound of rustling in the bushes to her left.
Why a dragon?
I'd like to hide, disappear, but i always feel so much in sight. i feel watched, different, talked about, it seemingly bounces off my scales, but i know i can't hide among people. why swampy and grey-brown?
Hero, Chapter 12 - The Crystal River
She pulled back the treated hide covering the crate without too much trouble. the gauze made it difficult to grip with her paws, but her teeth were perfectly fine.
Blu's Feathers
His friends would still know he had lost his feathers, but at least he had something to hide his shame with. jewel gave a little nod of approval.
Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 13
Lots of places to hide. i jump into, find decent hiding spot. bad smell near. no want bad smell find me. other want control, take care of other three. i agree. other has better chance than me. i give control back. i hope i get rest of day later.
Orelai- Backup Support
But the forest also helps hide their presence. anton hears something moving across the ground and so he taps on beleor's shoulder. the two move off to the side and hide in the forest.