Left 4 dead: no mercy. Chapter 1: the appartments.
Until helicopter sounds came to their ears. before their eyes, the very helicopter tyzon had tried to get the attention of passed right in front of the building they were on, the voice of the pilot heard loud thanks to its bullhorn.
Stralia - Books in the Dark
The helicopter she had seen, hse had been following the new reports and doing some minor investigation of her own, looking into some of the higher level physics as to how the things worked.
Tease Anthology 1
They had to have been a hundred miles away and just the footstep had caused their helicopter to crash from the sky.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 56
You'd best hurry and fix it..." he muttered as he heard a helicopter coming from the distance, looking up as it flew by towards the prison.
I Dreamed of Fire 7 - Tomorrow Is Another Day
"_ looking around himself, oddclaw saw the remains of an old hangar, the crumpled burning husk of a helicopter to one side against a broken set of giant doors. shelves with old toxic materials sat by themselves mostly-sealed.
Chapter 10
At the landing pad, liz jumps from the helicopter, and walks towards satan, who obviously knew the situation, as hades was just finishing his explanation as liz stopped. "everyone is safe sir. except, i think sera is pregnant.
The Labs chapter 1
She heard a familiar sound of helicopter blades, and panic rushed thru her blood. "we got a fighter here, get the tranq so that we can get out of here before more blood is spilled," a woman said, lifting the little girl into the copter.
Slave Pacification (1)
Slowly his mind drifted away in a deep sleep, and sometime after his eyes had slid shut the men loaded him on the helicopter in which they came. doulos laboratories _"we had to go through a lot of trouble getting him.
Kirek maneuvered the helicopter he was flying onto a rooftop in liberty city's commercial sector. "alright, you've had your fun. gimme the controller." "sure thing. as soon as i..." "oh no you don't!"
Chapter 26: The Road South
The helicopters landed nearby and a few soldiers came out, clad in special ops uniforms, the hacos.
A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 9-The Second Morning
Maybe if we could get there, they could call for a helicopter or a plane out of here. "what if it's not the village?",i asked. annnndd there it was. "what you mean?",i asked.
Off Leash Chapter 4
It sounds like you've got a helicopter in there!" asked rudy from somewhere above me, his high little voice quivering with concern. sabrina harrumphed. "nothing to worry about. thomas is being a bit dramatic. the arc is very strong.