Rebirth ch6
I gently smiled to her and grabbed the extra blanket that sat folded at the foot and covered her up. "sleep well lady suicune." i said as i covered her up and then rubbed her uninjured shoulder.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #6 - Rise to Power
#7 of tales of the huntsville mayors success comes early, but is the team just getting lucky because of their extra scout? stefan calico, leo, and patrick suarez are my creations.
Trick and Treat: Part One.
"i'll get darrel the bear down here for an extra sixty quid; he can get pretty restless on his off-days, and he's too nice to say no." maria and i were often at odds; it was all playful, of course.
Part 1: Raising Ruby
The rest of the family doesn't trust her, but mom and dad have never said anything against it and started getting extra food for her. on the other hand all my brothers and sisters openly opposed me keeping her.
Josh and Alex: The Magnificat
As an extra bonus, the individuals who have the three most popular pieces as voted by you will get a signed hardback copy of _dragon's seeds_.
Bogged Detour
Still, he could only really press onward, the ledge would be annoying to have to scramble up and the mere thought of extra exercise at this point was exhausting by itself.
The Radkial Legacy: Silver's Story
Just the word was enough for the irate beast in his belly to claw its way into his throat, and he had to swallow extra hard to settle it back where it belonged. "y-yes, sir," he admitted.
Invention of the Week Special: Fan Mail Edition!
extra body parts?" that is a question i don't know the answer to but the answer is probably. i haven't tried it.
Blackfoot - Pathfinder Custom Race
Blackfeet with this racial trait select one extra feat at 1st level and one extra feat at 5th level. these feats must be social feats. this replaces energy resistance and forest stride. - **skill training** : select two skills.
Nice to Seat You Ch 1.2
"your glowing presence makes me feel extra safe. please?" "oh, fine!" lynda rolled her eyes, resuming her march back around the counter. "now let me get to work. there's a line forming."
Theatre of War
Rod scanned the set, looking to the extras, the cameramen, then all the way up to the bolstrovan lighting crew working away beyond the chest-height, fourth floor rooftops. "the hard work's not done yet.
Dons Nation 4 - Week 5
The only good part of the drive was the missed extra point attempt. woods: it wasn't too bad; just nicked it to the right a little too much there.