A Greater Good

While working on the job life is somewhat easier, you managed to secure a shift that would allow you to avoid the times which your father was drunk, which was key. you liked your job very much and you were good at it too.

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Unexpected mates

She replied, "i do not have one i was drunk when it happened. then my trainer left me." she began to cry. "i lost mine two days age from random gunfire. i cannot help you find your mate.

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Beastars: A/B/O Deconstruction

I ask you, how is that different from going for someone who's drunk? i don't see the difference." "huh," the deer delicately traced along her side and curves. "i never thought of it that way." "really?" she raised an eyebrow.

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Jack quickly stood up and drew one of his six shooters and in about three seconds the barrel of it was on the fore head of the drunk man, "don't touch my guns!"

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The Catalyst, Ch. 3

I'd been drunk before; around the age i started to become interested in alcohol, dad had made a grand show of opening his liquor cabinet so i could taste a little bit of everything he had.

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Dragon's Pride 9

Said shyplis while drunk. "i thought you might want to have fun?" "oh shit, now that's not right."

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Darkness and Starlight 5 - The First Degree

You should have thought about your money before you got drunk, now get. _lost._" "james!"

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2012 Zombie Apocalypse: through eyes of four teenagers Morocco Fedoseev

"better go wake that drunk fucker up" he mumbled to himself. he traced his scar that extended from above his eye down to his muzzle. he had received that scar the last time he had to wake his father.

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alvin and the land of giants part 1

Just then a brown timber wolf went and sat down near alvin. and he was a little drunk too. wolf:hey there. i just heard you were looking for a better place to try and have a better life on.

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The Asassin's Dark Tales-Chapter VI: Snake in a Crate

The breton turned with some misstep, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the assassin, too drunk to tell except for it to be a giant shadow. "what in blazes!" he asked with a slur, "you ain't one of me crew!

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The world in the life of a grey husky. Chpt. 3 The husky's troubled past.

Feeling an overwhelming urge to fight back but not wanting to because the drunk husky in front of him was still his father. running towards his room he heard the whistle of another bottle flying at him.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 6

You never realise how narrow doorways can be until you try to guide a fox who's drunk off his ass through one.

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