The world in the life of a grey husky. Chpt. 3 The husky's troubled past.

Story by Uniden on SoFurry

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Walking out of the gym with his new friend the husky had never felt better in his life, he felt great. No, not great, he felt wonderful beyond words. He had just been complimented by the two sexiest felines in the gym, and had found a new friend.

Looking up at the black fox sitting on his shoulders, he saw him looking back with a face he had only seen once before. It was on his own face. Walking back to his car the husky remembered that day, what seemed like so long ago but was in all actuality only a year old.

It was only a few weeks after finding out he was bisexual. Coming home after being caught at school kissing another male husky, his father, being drunk as usual, had been told. Staggering trying to get up off the couch he always sat at, he threw a beer bottle at mark opening a gash in the husky's face. Feeling an overwhelming urge to fight back but not wanting to because the drunk husky in front of him was still his father. Running towards his room he heard the whistle of another bottle flying at him. Dodging another blow the angry husky pulled a three sixty and yelled at his father.

"What the hell, you don't want me to be happy?"

Feeling the affects of the rage and alcohol the extremely angry canine barked back at his son, slightly lisping from the beer, "No damn sson of mine isss going to beee fucking q.queer!!"

Hearing the words the nineteen year old husky's heart broke and his rage increased to boiling point. Grabbing a newly bought Stetson the heartbroken Mark fled his home never to return again.

His father disowning him, his entire family even. Living out of his roadrunner in the bar's parking lot wasn't what should be happening to him. Without having his father there to try and make himself feel loved, his grade's fell, he became bitter to the world, and considered suicide many time coming close too many times. His relations with friends dwindled, he became a loner.

One day as he was contemplating how to end his life, a black wolf came over to the table he was sitting at all alone. sitting down across from the depressed husky, the wolf looked at the tear stained wood under the folded arms. Nudging the grieving husky's arm the wolf cleared his throat. Looking up Mark saw the imposing wolf sitting across from him.

"Hello", the wolf said in a deep voice, " I am legend and I think I can help." The wolf and the husky would talk on a regular basis and slowly, but surely, the husky gained his confidence. Neither one of the two friends ever tried to make a move on the other knowing that they shouldn't. To this day the two friends still catch a meal or a movie together and catch up on old times.

Reaching the car the husky took the fox off his shoulders and placed him into the car. Looking over his friend he noticed that the fox couldn't be any taller than five foot five nor weigh more than one hundred pounds. Walking around to the drivers side and getting in he paused in a moment in silent thought before shutting the door. Man i should really call Legend one of these days and see how he is doing. Putting his paw behind the passenger seats head rest and looking back, the husky backed the muscle car out of it's spot and off to the coast side drive in.

Watching the one he had been for so long the little fox waited in anticipation for what the movie might bring. Snuggling down into the soft racing seat he soon let his mind wonder, thinking if this fur will be like the other ones who reject him for being gay, or one who may actually understand and accept him like his parents did. Wanting so bad to find someone in this sleepy little town he had gone out on a limb after seeing what the husky had done with the wolf at the bar the other night. But not quite sure of what the two did once leaving the establishment.

Curling up in the red and black racing bucket seat, the black fox secretly watched Mark drive. Looking through the driver's window, Fraddas could see the sun setting over a hill they had just drove over. After what seemed to be a hour the car come to a rolling stop. It was dark by now, and sitting up the excited fox looked over a field littered with cars, all pointing towards a large white screen. Looking out his window, he could see a large male lion walking toward there car. Scrunching down into the seat a little, the fox was in a new place, an unfamiliar place, but with his new husky friend next to him, he felt safe.

Walking up to the canine's window, the lion set a speaker on the car's door and looked over at the fox. Wondering what such a creature would be with this husky, he put it out of his mind.

After all, he had seen a lot stranger things then that. Leaning down he began to tell the husky what the drive in had to offer in the way of snacks.

Thoughts racing through the fox's mind, he debated inside himself wondering. Figuring to go for broke he waited for the right chance to make his move. Watching attentively at the husky as the lion goes to another car, he thinks this is his chance.

Fiddling with the speaker, the husky didn't notice the fox sit up and move towards him. Turning around to ask if the fox wants anything, he managed to get out "What would you li...." before being met with a muzzle pressing onto his open muzzle. A wave of feelings wraps the husky's mind. The main feeling hitting him is confusion.

"What is he doing?" the husky thought to himself.

Pulling away slowly the fox let a couple of thin strands of mixed saliva hang between the two muzzles. Not regretting his action the little fox jumped onto the confused husky's lap before he has a chance to say anything. Squeezing his friend tightly he looks up into the grey furs eyes.

"That is all I wanted, Thanks." giving a slight wink the fox buries his head into the husky's white chest fur.

Looking down at the one who just gave him the shock of a lifetime, Mark wipes off his muzzle and tries to pick up the pieces. Sure he had had sex with his fare share of males, but those moments were times when he had really needed to let off some pressure. He still preferred making love with a female fur, but there was something different in the kiss he had technically shared with the fox. Something he hadn't felt before in the other kisses he had shared with the female furs he had been with. Was he turning gay? No, he couldn't be. Or could he. He still liked the female body but this fox had just rocked his feelings.

Looking down and nudging the fox he volunteered to take him home. The little fox didn't budge, "He must be sleeping." Mark thought to himself. Unhooking the speaker the husky pulled out of the theater and finding the fox's "in case of emergency card" drove to the little fox's home, never taking him off his chest.

Arriving at what seemed to be a normal style house, nothing fancy, just a two story house. Cradling the fox in one arm easily the husky walked to the door and knocked.

Answering the door was a five foot eleven red fox. "This must be his dad" the nervous dog thought.

"Hello sir, You may not know me but my name is Mark Uniden and I took your son to a movie tonight but he fell asleep."

"Oh not again, thank you." the fox said taking the little fox from the bigger husky's arms. Shutting the door the fox took his son to his room putting him to bed.

Returning to his car, Mark headed home, his mind still trying to sort things out. Driving down a two-lane road, the skies open up and begin raining. Flicking on his lights, the husky continues on. Passing a German Shepard jogging down the road, he spies the curb up ahead, and slows down to take it.

Hearing the squeal of tires, the Shepard turns seeing a bright light, and spinning red lights. Watching the tractor trailer pass him, he runs to the edge of the shredded guard rail. Listening carefully the Shepard's keen ears here the continues sound of a horn. Peering into the night he sees what appears to be a red car leaning upside down on a tree. Getting out his cell phone, he calls 911 asking for all available help.