Cold nights
Trucks drive away, laying down next to the cubs she hold so dearly to her heart, her eyes feeling heavy as the rain started to fall to a slow rated almost like a lullaby and with that she fell into a deep sleep as the rolls of thunder passed and the rain drowning
Springsteen, buckethead, bullet for my valentine, capture the crown, tge cgarkue dabueks babd, cheap trick, children of bodom, coldplay, criss angel, d.r.u.g.s, david garrett, a day to remember, deadmau5, dethklok, disturbed, dragonforce, dropkick murphys, drowning
As i drown in my despair. while i struggle to awake. i feel the presence of love. and smile that you are there. in the darkness of my hate. as i fall in the pit of rage. while i lash out at those i love.
The road is coated with a thick blanket of the ever-drowning snow. sometimes i wish i could just stay like this, watching the snow fall and the stars twinkle as my breath fogs up my vision.
Eight Minutes and Forty Six Seconds on June Twelfth, Two Thousand Twenty
They drown us out and say that we spoke not. we fight. they call it looting and they call for more guns, ammunition, poison gas, and gravely say we brought it on ourselves. what else is left but silence?
Wolf and Deer - Part Five - Daring ‾ Illustration by JosePaw
Reborn looked back into his eyes, almost drowning in an amber sea of.... power, hunger and desire.
The mortars started letting there howls up ahead, but the nosie seemed drowned out by my thoughts. i just think about making it home to the dalmation of my dreams.
Looking Up
Though the ebb and flow of time tears and throws, drowns in a bitter cup, there is hope, help, indeed a mise en abyme, but only if we start looking up.
Paper, Plastic, or Tire Iron. (Otherwise Untitled)
His mind dredged to try and call forth the memories of if the owl had arrived alone, while memories of the smouldering vestiges of his parent's world started to drown any semblance of reason.
Who Can Tell
And you were right ... but you didn't tell me that drowning can take months, even years, and if i were to come up for air, how much it would burn. you said i'd get dreams! (and for that matter someone to chase them for!)
GE:ZAVOS - Prologue: A Shadow Among the Sands
The humming was just loud enough to drown the sound of something moving furthur in the shadows. it happened fast. something hit him in the back, knocking him to the ground.
The Fire Without. (Part I)
_ ellen clenched her hands to her ears, trying to drown the condescending voice. _you're dead!_ she screamed. _get out of my head! get out of my life._ she tried to stand but her legs would not respond to her command. _rise!