No Frills: Igrotzny Hykok

He is very aware of the potential to do harm and does not wish to do so. igrotzny is capable of becoming almost invisible.

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The Winter

That doe, that doe... i gave her the money- one hundred dollars. there wasn't a buck on the list. if she was still there, well; i needed to ask her. that was the only solid thing in my mind. shyness was not going to save us.

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I Need a Sign!

Why does the universe love to be so god damn cryptic! okay i'm in love... i'm in love! but with whom? i barely know anything about him. his last name? favorite color? what kind of music does he like? was he still a virgin?

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Heart of the Lion

She lives boldly and does not fear her own emotions. she knows who she is and she is in perfect control. she makes no apologies for who she is. the lion does not sit around idly waiting for things to change.

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Autumn Is A Pagan

He is the very superman: a lusty youth, and just, and if he fears old age and time, he does not make it shown. but autumn is a pagan, and he has a gentler soul. he knows she did not make the world, and loves it more therefore.

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2 Of My Poems

Point thy fingers and pass the blame all call out his holiest name everything as it was but nothing the same stand thy ground and announce your claim under sheep wool lays duress on pins and needles does the world stress someone anyone save us from

Poetic Night

It's shine tell us that so does it show us without a stare such like life, it does so care.


1:16 A Harsh Reality

"but why does he feel the need to push everyone away?" again mick shrugged.

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Pro-Choice Song

What a girl does with her xana is none 'o busieness, none 'o business, yeah what a girl does with her xana is none 'o business, none 'o business, yeah live things can come in, live things can come out but nobody should be a battery, to reduce your masterpiece


Headache? Try Hypnosis™! [Comm]

Lethargically, the dragon/wolf looked up and saw before him a young, friendly looking doe.

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He does not move, and so i wait.

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To Whom

To whom does my heart belong? that question has yet to be answered. though the many places it can go, nothing will take it in. weak without comfort. lonely without warmth. painful without treatment. to whom does my heart belong?
