
As she headed towards the door of dulion's apartment, she could see dr. tennant standing outside it looking concerned. he had his cell phone out and was pressing buttons. "hey dr. t." ibuki said. "what's wrong?" "good morning, emi." the doctor said.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Twelve

dr. rick leaned against the desk and watched joseph as he inclined with his arms folded across his chest. even though he had rehearsed in his mind what he was going to tell the doctor he was drawing a blank as the doctor watched him.

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[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-001]

dr. witta?" "what are you feeling right now?" "i feel nothing mrs. dr. witta." "you are full of blood. does it not bother you?" "no, mrs. dr. witta?" "you just killed invaders, have you felt anything?" "no, mrs. dr.

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Closet Space

You'd awoken at the foot of dr. faustus's bed, unsure how you ended up there but feeling no particular need to worry about it, since you enjoyed it so much. that's when you saw it: dr. faustus's closet.

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A Giant Problem IV

I agree with dr stevenson: it's not likely he wants to hurt you if he needs you for something. your value to him should keep you safe." "i'd feel better if i knew what that value was," dr stevenson said.

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The doctors couldn't see any way that this, this happy go lucky child that would always meet the doctors with a warm smile and a joke when they came in would be able to pull through.

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Tina's Story Chapter 63 The Scandal

She only knew that doctors don't bring you in to tell you that everything was fine. the next day, after a worried night, colleen was in the doctor's office. "doctor, i'm worried sick. what's going on ? " at first, the doctor looked away.

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"thanks, dr. walsh." the two shook hands. -- the week passed by with agonizing slowness. telling dr.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Fourteen

dr. ami asked dr. lee. "toxoplasma gondii tops the list as the most famous and most dangerous neurological parasite.

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: First Tale

dr. cutie pup said. "i can neither confirm nor deny this!" dr. callyco avoided the wolf's gaze. "but it's time to get things started! dr. cutie pup, introduce our first guest!" "very well...

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