Angels and demons
#4 of poetry angels and demons angels and demons heaven and hell, lots of untold stories that i would love to tell like the raging war for all the lost souls this battle scene with all the bones and skulls it's an awkward sight with fire
The Story of a Lonely Demon Ch.3
#4 of the story of a lonely demon the story of a lonely demon chapter 3: where a revealed identity unlocks much more "buvrentius, why did you leave?"
Through Hell [Gorgon/Naga TF/TG]
"a succubus, a gorgon, a dragonborn...those are all body types and associated powers, the difference between demons and hellions is the demons have no soul attached to their power.
Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 8
This path will ensure that i will become a higher demon than you mutts will ever be. demons have level of commands. you are under the impression that the monarchs oppressed you but you are the lowest level of demons that are expendable. me?
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 6
They're demon hunters, right?" "yeah, and we're totally gonna join them when we're old enough!" meli chimed in. "interesting! you should be real careful around demons though. you know, i once survived a demon attack myself.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 14
How about ifrit schelkz?" "ifrit schelkz." belial smiled. "now that's a name i've heard before. ifrit is a half-infernal who is the first demon i've ever known to get up in rank in just 20 years.
Urban Mystic
The biela's comet didn't directly cause the fires, but demons escaping _did_.
Shadow quickly knocked another arrow to the string and shot down another demon that got a little too close, flake on the other hand was launching orbs of ice at every demon she could keeping them at bay for the time being.
Hotel Emperador - Chapter 7: My Beautiful Doe
There's no way a demon hunter could be so willing to meet a demon and their worshippers. not the jantheno mcrue he knew. "neither can us.
Wolfen - Chapter 27
"as we were hunting, the demons arrived at our camp and took thorren and syla. they said they would release them back to us if they handed me over to them, along with our demon prisoner.
Ye Who Enters Here...
Mortal form which could only mean one thing: the heart of demons, the source that created and powered every demon in hell apart from the original fallen angels has been destroyed.
Secrets Ch. 33
Your demonic powers."