Song in the Dark: Day 4

This and future chapters will spoil certain events of the main game as well as the 'lost constellation' side-game. (these last two chapters in particular touch on a major event in the game.) enjoy!

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 6

The names of the constellations may differ, but that is merely a view of different minds, putting different names onto the same thing, an accent if you will. irrelevant" danox grinned.

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Jack's Tail: Chapter-11 Escape

I let out a long whine at the stars and the few constellations that poke through the perpetual twilight of the city, hoping for them to answer... none of them do. each one just goes on shining in the sky regardless of what happens to me.

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Xilimyth's titanic form was now the constellation-like outline of an amazonian galaxy superimposed on the milky way. she grew and grew, reaching out to the neighboring clusters in her ceaseless expansion.

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One night that month, the party at the toyota dealer's condo had gone on unusually long, stretching into the dim hours of the early morning when the summer constellations still bejeweled the

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Out of Time, Out of Space (Full Story)

"'gallifrey - constellation of kasterborous. class four planet. gallifrey was involved in something called...,'" she scrolls a few lines down, "'...the time wars - a war with another race...the daleks.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 34

The one visible was shaded deep black, the dark hue around the eyeball made the gold pupil inside glow with the force of the sun, a shimmering constellation of stars on the canvas of a night sky and he simply couldn't move his eyes away.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 11

Tiny sparks split from the corners of his dancing flames, slowly forming a fiery constellation of burning stars around them, circling them like a halo. coriza observed the wonderful sight with held breath. she was on the sun after all.

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3) The Counter-Thief

I inspected the tablet closer and noticed that there were several star markings above the drawing, trying to make the shape of a constellation.

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Misperceptions v2

The constellation was one she had never seen before. she traced the shape of the bright stars, finding the outline of first a head, then a back, and even wings. it took her a few moments to realize it was a detailed constellation of a griffon.

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Lykos - 06 - Vacation

The constellations were carefully spread out on the screen printed tee. "for udo, a white wolf." fletcher said, handing it over before he unfurled a turquoise blue shirt with a black wolf standing in a lake of rippling water.

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The results, when updated, painted a radically different constellation. "the most minor changes create unpredictable outcomes." "right."

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