A Special Present for a Special Father
Sun places his order first "hello, could i get a cajun chicken sandwich with some jalapeテδアo peppers and red chili sauce."
Dinner and Catharsis
He finished as he took a bite of chicken. "and next time, don't use my study, mike has his own room." mike nearly choked on his food, "you're not mad?!"
Dinner and Catharsis
He finished as he took a bite of chicken. "and next time, don't use my study, mike has his own room." mike nearly choked on his food, "you're not mad?!"
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 15
The could-be-a-chicken was a smear of red and feathers on the dirt floor. "i can bring it back for the kitchen, sir?" "you've done quite enough!" "yessir." "they _were_ expecting us, weren't they sir?"
Savannah Blues part 8
Naked on the coach with a tub of fried chicken! so sue me," he joked with a barkingly laugh. ralph grinned at the comment. "i'm not really big on the whole chicken thing. but i still am a meet lover."
Phoenix - Chapter 4 - The Welcome
Each time daron pauses, he indicates to robert that he wants the fox boy's input, but robert never looks up from his plate of chicken and steamed broccoli. robert instead only sits staring at the half of the chicken breast that remains.
The Pain Of Losing- chapter 5(part 2)
She shakes her head after a minute or two and follows him still blushing at the way he reacted "so umm do you like grilled chicken?"
Stories From Elton High | Chapter 24
The chicken is a bit dry, and the mashed potatoes could use more gravy. i find myself comparing the meal to one of mrs. halinen's creations and sigh. she and mr.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 37: Fragile Trust
He wasn't sure if he was in the mood to cook dinner, so thankfully there was still chicken pepper soup from this morning. he could always order too.
Eggceptional Get Aways: Kickaha
Judging by the size, assuming it was made for a normal sized human kickaha imagined he was currently about the size of an adult chicken. well, he supposed that meant he wasn't a rooster.
Paraskepite- Chapter Ten
The man was followed by three doberman pinschers and one had buffalo chicken sauce all over his mouth from a sandwich someone had so carelessly thrown on the ground and he had found.
Iconoclast reboot part 5
"yes, giant angry chickens having nasty claws and beaks. we can sneak past them, but if not, if we can kill them first they are tasty." "what do they eat in the desert?"