I Only Liked a Lotta Things til I Knew
"your grandmother doesn't usually let me pay for them, and i don't expect you do either, but," he paused, searching for the words to make what he wanted to say less cheesy, and failing. "sharing something sweet usually makes me feel good.
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 11 - Precious and Fragile Things
For the first time in the young hero's life, Spyro didn't know what to do. It was like his paws were glued to the grass, frozen in indecision as minute after minute passed. He wanted to follow Flame. He wanted to take off towards the village and find...
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 9 - Of Dragons and Elders
The stroll together down to the beach felt like something from a dream, or a scene from one of those cheesy romance scrolls he used to borrow from magnus' collection - something that was simply too good to be true or might happen to another dragon but not
Halloween Tail: The Pup Experiment
They witnessed near-unimaginable abuse, vile torture and a lot of cheesy death scenes, all giving of a near-unison gasp for act committed against the innocent victims in the film.
Every Thorn has its Rose
"ugh, you're cheesy sometimes," fiela said with a laugh. she leaned forward and pecked him with a light kiss that enveloped his face for a moment, leaving him to revel in surprise. "but you're also really sweet."
Dizzy Twister 1: The Alicorn
And while this image may seem cliche and cheesy, it is still powerful and accurate. a loud slurping sound was heard as the pair reached the bottom of the shake. it was now late, nearly 9pm, but dizzy didn't know that, nor did she even care!
Giving Love a Helping Hoof
Her question was met with a cheesy grin. "now that would be tellin', wouldn' it?" twilight laughed with her friend, content with the fact that her secret admirer would remain secret. "you know, i can see what your saying applejack.
Black Magic - Chapter Six: Section 2
That being said, it also sounded like the cheesy, goody-two-shoes kind of bullshit that an inherently self-sacrificing person might say when forced to pick between one friend's safety and the safety of a dozen others.
Raspberry Line Chapter 5 - Get To Know: Arkethius Rachaun
Well, get-to-know wasn't exactly as cheesy as show-and-tell; it was a little more interesting than that.
Savoring the Time in Our Moonlit Oasis
So while i thought it silly before and a little too cheesy, i've really warmed up to the idea of having something small like this to remind me of us, especially for when you and i get back home and i also thought they'd make a nice surprise gift."
Cotton Remnants
My newest short story featuring is a fun origin story for my boyfriend's species change, something i told him that i was going to eventually make as a present for a long time and finally managed to put together, so here's the cheesy result!
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 34: Iridescent Warmth
That sounded cheesy but whatever, it wasn't like they had never said shits like that anyway. max felt some vibrations, and he whacked hans' arse when he realised that his brother was laughing silently. _"talk dirty to me.