Lost Into the Past Chapter 12

"careful, it's hot." toby warned him. thurston took a quick whiff of the hot chocolate. he had to admit, he was quite fond of the smell. "uhh, thanks..." thurston replied, carefully taking a sip of it before setting it aside. "so..." toby began.

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Monster I Have Become: Ch. 1

I ripped them to pieces and didn't even care!" i don't know _why_ i tried to persuade him that it was wrong. i just did. guess i _did_ care. "listen ryun. if there is one thing i know, it is that nobody cares what they do when they are angry.

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Forget Love

caring doo. a brown pegasus mare with a grayish mane and tail. she welcomed me with open hooves, sat me down and offered me oatmeal. caring doo wanted to hear my story, but i had no story to tell.

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bio-dragon pt1

At a location i do not care to remember i woke up and had a normal morning after three hours of sleep. my youngest not paying attention to me and my eldest not caring. after the bus took them to school i woke my husband and had a quickly.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 64

You want to take good care of them, like dad took care of us... like he asked me to take care of you. so... please, vee. please. it wasn't your fault. it wasn't... _it wasn't_..."

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Descendant: Chapter 1; From Humble Beginnings

"eh, what do i care" he grumbled, spitting on the ground and walking off through the crowd.

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Sera Fina part 3

Hadyn decided to try, he would care for the cubs, take care of them, nurse them and they would be loved. but he needed to know how hadyn decided to ask vernon how he could help them.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 51

Banno kept walking, not caring about the flashes of cold in his stump, not caring about the bursts of pain rocking his head, not caring about any of it, and wardo kept skittering backwards like an insect, muttering to himself.

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 4

Surprisingly, hezzi found himself not caring about that either. actually, what really surprised him was the fact that he was still surprised. he felt like he would never care about anything ever again. why should he?

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[SFW] Squirrelly Days #018 - Vivica

However, i do hope that you'll always remember that i care about you as an important member of my family. vivica: if you don't respect me, how can you care about me?

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Tropical - Chapter Thirteen

You're all i care about. i gave my heart to you." "but you won't be safe, what if you get hurt or worst. . ." rye put his hand gently on cloud's jaw and very carefully forced cloud to look at rye directly in the eyes.

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Mike's Pokemon Chapter 3

Now i have someone to take care of me instead of me having to take care of myself. my thoughts on shadow? he's a sweet and handsome umbreon. very caring, especially towards me. i think i saw him in the wild, but it could've been another umbreon.

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