Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 99
They grabbed hold of her calf and slowly moved it up and down. _i should grab her, twist her neck, do it right now, while her attention is focussed elsewhere._ but where was ander?
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Eleven
The glow grew brighter as his new leg lengthened, forming his thigh, then his knee, then his calf. when it reached his ankle, he lost his balance and fell backwards against the wall.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 129: The Price For Paradise (Our Resolve Part One)
The female buffalo calf said. "a freckled blond kid and a adolescent bison?! weird! you are too late to make any sort of difference." the man said as he lifted his right foot and prepared to walk off the roof of the thirteen story building. "no!!!"
Runt - Chapter 1
Runt would've barely been able to put up a fight against a lame doe calf, with that misshapen paw of his. but he managed to feed himself, so nobody paid him any mind. this was the third failed hunt.
L.G.T - Quenching the Steel
After which, a calf length scale mail kilt of sorts is also fastened around his waist, protecting the otherwise exposed back of the legs but parted at the front to allow for easy movement.
Incident at Sython
Tyr asked, strapping on the thigh, calf and curving articulated plates that went over his combat boots in turn. "i can't be sure from this angle, but if i had to guess, i'd say it's the front end of a turgoun assault carrier."
The Furry Dead (Medieval Style) Chapter II
._ she curled her fingers and, satisfied she could move most of them, worked on curling the toes of her right footpaw, feeling them slowly burn to life, the sensation of needles rippling through torn calf muscles bringing a gasp of pain from her bruised
Broken Words: Chapter 14
Realization hit him rather hard as his foot stopped twitching and his eyes locked onto his hands as they rest on his calf. he felt remorse, and regret, and sympathy for francis, but it didn't show itself in it's usual places.
She suddenly looked behind her, and the old mane-dresser saw that a forepaw had reached out from behind the dumpster to touch her calf tenderly, a paw of the same ash gray as her own. the raspy voice behind it called out. "lyss..."
Virtually Unreal
A tiara sits atop her head, and a calf-length white cloak with lavendar trimmings hangs from her shoulders. her wooly bosom is pushed up nicely by the tight leather, making her breasts seem even larger than in reality.
Aldorian was not done as he grabs the marauders leg calf and digs deep into the leg before life finally left him. the big city was much more different than the outlaying towns and villages he was use to.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 8- Lopunny
"you and i both," the mother told her son, while scratching the back of her left calf with her right foot. "but oh well, i don't really expect much from c-ranks, anyways." a yawn escaped from her mouth, hitting the back of you open hand.