Chapter One: Firewall Ho!
In another few minutes, they were on the plane and in their seats. after the attendants had gone through the safety procedures, the plane was moved out onto the tarmac, and started taxiing to the runway.
Young Love - Chapter 17
When their flight was called, bill, scott, mark, and jason got up and went in line to board the plane. when they have entered the plane, bill and scott found their seats, and mark and jason were seated behind them.
Day 5
Auto-pilot is set, i have a good book, you two can get up to whatever you want, just, don't make a mess on my plane." came over the intercom. "well, do you know anything we could do to pass the time?" karen said innocently to me.
Day 05- Nominations
That's when they look up and see a small plane flying over them in the sky. they squint and see a banner flying off the tail. the back door opens with gina standing there. "guys! you have to come inside when a plane is out!"
Thunder #15- Dreams
She seemed rather bright and enthusiastic, so i didn't want to tell her that gwilellen was a fane and not a kingdom, or that arcaea was actually on a different plane of existence than the elven plane where gwillellen was.
Rayne: Info and Trivia
Together, the seven were able to unite their powers to forge the plane syrith and seal the gateway between, locking the chaos within origin.
World descriptions
Three pantheons major pcs: nathan, thenyr history goes exactly as normal until mid august 2001, when the plane of magic and deities realigns with the mundane plane of earth, bringing "realms" into existence in the locations of the scandinavian
Towards The Top
By the time they arrive, the first plane has already taken off with the first six teams. the other three are forced another 45 minutes before plane number two departs. "boy what i would give for another u-turn," nick says as he sits back.
My Highschool Life Begins (Chapter 1 of Highschool Life)
"so, you said that you'll let me ride your plane. you're planning to be a plane pilot or something? "yeah, i really want to fly, but since artificial wings aren't a thing yet, flying a plane is the next best thing." "r-right..."
Day 10
In the end, we settled for a rag soaked in water tied over our muzzles and, after harry made a quick check on the cockpit, ensuring the plane was air-worthy, got down to work, cleaning out the horrid mess.
The First Tome. The Tome of Dark Alexander
That valixai referred to as 'the emptiness', an astral plane that defies the logic of life,death and all that is in between.
40,000 Feet & Falling
If the turbulence tears this plane apart and air pressure rips me from my seat into open air, it would make no difference at all. no matter how hard i hold on, my knees won't ground me.