Daemon - Chapter 9 (Chasing the Curi'nakra)

Occasionally we saw some abandoned farms, but they had obviously been abandoned some time ago. most likely when the war began. we used these abandoned farms to rest over night. after a couple of days travel we saw a few more signs of life.

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The Sealed Planet: Chapter 10

This star system was abandoned? things have become worse than i thought. tell me, son. what space year is this?" i did not know what space year it was.

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Aurora: Chapter Two: The Demon

The athenaeum has been lost to time now, though, as it was abandoned." i knew where she was going with this, even though i had never heard of such a place before. "why was it abandoned?"

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 29

However, i kind of feel excited about exploring an old abandoned place. like those documented videos i had seen on the internet. but just in case if something happens, i brought my satellite phone.

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Springtide: New Pups in Town

#27 of age regression patreon reward for kodered59 also featuring shasta_the_wolf_dog_hybrid and taking place in the world of springtide steel drags shasta into the basement of an abandoned classroom building, hoping to figure out why the place was abandoned

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two moms who adopted an egg

But this adoptive couple knows that this egg was abandoned by the biological parents. roxane and aurélia are from a country called yufror on the planet sogaira.

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The Great Escape

Trickle a river an ocean overflowing a flicker a flame a candle a light a life withering a body a victim a death a murder a suicide breathing a tear a sob a whisper a sigh a breath the last to leave to abandon

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Unity my 9/11 poem

Whatever you do never let the light within you wither away and die because the lightning strikes the thunder roars the ground trembles no more silence before the storm now and forever the age of deadlock has ended "united we stand; divided we fall" abandon

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weird feeling

Strange i keep on seeing this dream from my wolf guide and through his eyes. im out in a cold winters night and the aurora is above my head while my soul drags me to an abandoned shed. im unsure of its meaning but its my soul and guide. its got an meaning

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RISE Plot summary

Grace has always chosen to be alone, but will she abandon her old habits in order to stay alive?

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chapter 22

Connecting to each of the spires was a maze of bridges an walk ways, but despite the violet beauty of the city, most of soulmire stands abandoned ad in disrepair.

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A fairly broad road ran between the park and the abandoned house where the woman would go to feed the cats. pausing next to toby, mouse gazed across the street. ten or so pairs of eyes shone from the shadows.

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