asari racial stats
Posted using postybirb asari racial stats ability score: your dexterity score increases by 2 and your intelligence score increases by 1. age: asari reach maturity rapidly, reaching their peak at around 1 year.
Cactus gives terry a big boot sending him into the barbed wire terry slams cactus to the canvas ref: 1 2!
The Time of My Life Character Sheet
#1 of the time of my life story series season 1 (original) character sheet for "the time of my life" #1 name: radin darkflame gender: male height: 6ft. 7in. weight: 287 lbs.
Pokemon Kanto League chapter 1
#1 of pokemon kanto league this is my first story so they maybe short sophia and blake are my personal characters i shall post her soon as soon as i find the pic of her i made with a trainer doll maker on da \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
The Real Rain Part one
End of chapter 1
Five nights at Jacks (part 2)
I started clicking on buttons like crazy, i stopped on cam 1 and saw carl, only inches away from the camera. cam 1 is very close to my office, so i am very worried. the camera was blurred by static, when it cleared, carl was gone!
Virtually Real MAS program character guide
Nbsp; team number: 00 name: commander harding call sign: commander suit type: junker suit color: multi team designation: none team number: 01 name: call sign: dropkick (kicker) suit type: junker suit color: multi team designation: kicker 1
Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha 2
1-1-1-2 access denied huh come to think of it? should he be starting with 1 or 0? maybe he should use 0's first instead. that way he went in order from lowest to highest.
The domes (Zarut EONA)
Chapter 1 the assembly it all started long ago when the eon technology was first introduced to the world. now, many millennia later, the world is divided by way of force fields.
Zootopia:Guardian Spirits Chapter 1
Nick pulled out his key and unlocked it the room is standard there was 1 bedroom,a living room,a kitchen at the corner,1 bathroom."sorry i have 1 bedroom can sleep on the couch."nick apologized."
TCoJ - Book 1 - Zenti
#4 of book 1 - the gifted a preview of the writing style in book 1 - the gifted.series: the chronicles of jaydenbook: (1) the giftedauthor: wolffa: :linkjagdwolf:availability: published & on sale!
Wizard101 CreepyPasta
I have 6 wizards, 2 of which are life, 1 fire, 1 death, 1 balance and the other myth...