Dorian and dina gave one another sheepish looks that suggested they were just noticing it now for the first time. _perhaps that makes sense,_ henn thought.
Burdens - Chapter 91: Afterthought
This is the first time i've really... ever dated someone. i think we just keep doing what we did today until we know each other well enough." the wolf protested, "but we already know each other a lot. what do we do after that?"
Growing Young
And daniel knew everything joseph rising sun said was true and that made him for the first time, cry. and he buried his muzzle in his father's fancy western shirt and release all the tears that he had been saving.
Flight of Icarus Chapter 2 "The Beginning"
That was the first time she had ever heard that from another boy. "you don't?" "nah, you seem like a good kid, of course i've only known you for four minutes."
Michael Flehmen - Character Detail
When he heard malakye's story he couldn't help but feel a connection with the dragolf, thinking of the time that he was forced to leave his home for the first time, thrown into the great unknown.
Closet Space
Thankfully, after the first time, you were much more careful. the first time, well... it's a good thing that particular prototype had problems with battery life, or you'd have needed dr.
Believe - Chapter 1: The Moon
I decided to do do an advents calendar thing again but this time (for the first time here) a clean story. no worries, the weekly updates for summer heat will still come.
JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 1 - Sounds of Silence
For the first time since the days of his former superdog life, bolt felt the familiar icy claws of fear grip his stomach. his body froze. his eyes widened. he didn't dare breathing.
Vengeance 23: The 4th Tester
I looked over and noticed for the first time he had swords strapped to his waist. two longish daggers, then i blacked out. i woke up and felt incredibly strong. i opened my eyes and looked down. i was now in the body of that digimon.
Fox Curse
Mira realized she didn't feel that same urge she had the first time she'd seen him, apparently it only worked on first time acquaintances. still, he was kind of cute, and the knowledge of what she'd just done made her blush.
Nervous Husky
Husky lay down on the couch and stretched paws, danny sat on a chair and was excited that sees the first time soles husky, husky looked into the ceiling and wondering but not noticed you that danny watches his paws.
Tin drum
This is my first time writing a story in a looooooong time so the text is probably full of mistakes but i hope you enjoy anyway. **tin drum** what is good life? how does one define good deeds?