The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 1: An Eye
The sun dared not move from it's silent vigil, hovering ominously above the murky ocean, one that stretched on forever in all directions. the sky, dark blue with splashes of white, hid an object even more out of the ordinary.
Stranded - Shipwrecked
The lab remained vigilant as well, pulling a seat up next to me to add an extra set of eyes to the watch. i kept a white knuckle grip on the wheel the entire time, ready to make a sudden turn if need be.
Starborne: New Beginnings - Sentio, Ergo Sum
Their vigilant attention didn't keep me from remembering painful experiences. instead, their presence would always remind me that i was dreaming.
Hero, Chapter 18 - Katafront
Once we're safe we can hold a vigil for him. i hate leaving his body here too, but i think that jack'd be happy to know that he's resting with proof that he saved us."
After the war: Reunions
They stood vigilant over terra's weeping form as they held each other close. spyro glanced to his side to see cynder staring at him, they both shared the same thoughts.
Sheep in Wolves Clothing
Cadan, of course, was following behind; an ever vigilant presence that his father had set to watch him. he passed grand tapestries and elegant, marble sculptures.
Chapter 9: Hunters in the Night
The leopard vigilantly scanned the surrounding area. there were sloping hills on two sides of them and on another there was a large copse of scraggly trees that stretched out of sight around the hills.
A Stellar Beginning
Other hand, or at least some of them, hate my ready-for-war attitude, believing that no one is foolish enough to attack the galactic federation, not at the peak of its power but most of them understand that often the price of freedom is constant and eternal vigilance
Track and Field: Part 11 - Lee
My uncle circled us as we went with his arms crossed, and his ears would flutter with each strike we made, his eyes ever vigilant to our body language and movements as he shouted tips for my friend. "elbows in! keep your shoulders loose!
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 14
Crane kept a vigilant watch from where he stood, eyeing the palace's walkway to make sure nobody was looking. he should not have worried, but he knew there were a few guards who probably would tell wang dun of what had happened.
Instincts of Justice Chapter 1: Mysterious Nights
Karyd was renowned for its persistent guard and its ever vigilant captain, kyra. at last the guards rounded a corner and the street was empty. now it was the little thief's chance. readying himself the raccoon clambered onto the edge of the roof.
Cry Me a Murder (Part One) : Six Red Tears
The ever vigilant eye of the led was dead, too. an electrician in blue dungarees and hair in a ponytail balanced on a ladder.