Rise of Evil: Chapter 1

As he is examining the amulet, it starts to vibrate releasing a light hum, getting deeper as he gets closer. "i am alucarde. i exist only to store your energy." speaks the amulet.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 156

The shaking was so bad he could feel the vibrations reverberating through his skull. _luke!_ he screamed. _where are you!? help me with them for gods' sakes!_ but luke was just a kid. a kid who was hurt and afraid. _you'll protect us, right, dad?

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Z - Court Chapter 2: "A New Home"

I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket. i grabbed it to see a text message from my mother: mom: did you make it there okay? what was i going to say? i couldn't say just "yes".

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A little Shy interlude

No, of course it wasn't, but by then the poor hyena was practically vibrating on the spot. so close! "i know it's not your fault. i'll just tell you and then we can go to bed. okay.

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Bearnard Z: It seeks revenge (Prologue)

The vibration faded in as they continued to approach quickly. the person was desperately trying to make it through. his chest was already out, but the creature was just a few seconds away from him.

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Bear And Dog

Once john left, dustin felt his phone vibrate again. he looked down at the phone with a frown. he knew exactly who sent him a text. he opened it up and read the message from myu.

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Journey to another world pr3 ch100 pt1

She stopped at the door to the men's restroom and set her dreadlocks to vibrate a little faster for a moment before going to lay silent behind her head once again. 'there you are.'

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Sometimes You Get Burned

As she settled, her head resting on his chest, he could feel her throat vibrating in a silent murr, the thumping of his heart singing a lullaby in her ear.

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Aries and Vivian Part 1

Her phone silently vibrated, so she knew it was a text. looking up at the clock there was only a few more minutes of class left. she packed up and sat there, waiting for the bell to ring for her next period.

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Um... Unamed story Teaser chapter 1 :3

His deep voice vibrated the fixtures on the wall as he let out a rumbling chuckle, his jungle green chest bouncing in rhythm. nissa and i exchange a quick glance, then blush deeply. he certainly knew our buttons, that man.

Snowfalls and First Dates

He had a beautiful voice and i could feel the vibrations from his chest, flowing straight into my body. "it's fine. i brought some candles, actually." he moved around the table, placing lit candles on the surface.

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Blackspace: A Pilot's Burden-Chapter 1

The vibrations moving through me slowly wound down to stillness, my winglets folded into position and the vents closed on my atmospheric engines. after a few minutes of work i was satisfied.

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