Helping Hands
#113 of against all odds universe hey there, this here is a follow up story i've been writing about our newly-coupled, mixed-size badgers, tomas & jiri, expanding their world beyond the walls of their home somewhat and spending a day in the company of them
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu F-*zzzzz*
As the stars align, the miskatonic university student finds himself waking in some very strange situations...
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 45: Hollow Spring
"i then graduated high school, finished some more therapy sessions, got used to yet another personality inside my mind, got a full scholarship to university of barrowisle, and here i am." he finished with a smile.
#3 of against all odds universe - side stories hey there.
#2 of against all odds universe - side stories 'ello! here's another short story i wrote last summer, initially based on a little scene idea i toyed with in a tweet.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 42: One's Own Way
Just a subtopic again for chapter 2, but Max couldn't find the will to do it. Ugh, thesis was really complicated. Tom told him that it was just a big essay, and in a way, he was right, but he did not specify just how _big_ it was actually. Leaning on...
Poke U: A Lesson Learned
**Poke U: A Lesson Learned** "Hey Heart, you up yet?" "..." "Heart?" Rex, still lying in his bed, turned over to his side, but did not see a Tyrantrum anywhere in sight. _Oh, I guess he must have left already to head to practice._ Rex looked over...
Poke U: Meet & Greet
**Poke U: Meet & Greet** Rex laid on his bed, propping one leg on top of the other as he stared at his phone. In the corner, it read 10:00 AM, as he let out a big yawn. Rex loved his Mondays, since he had an open schedule and was free to laze around...
Chapter XIV: Truth, Night Two
"no, sorry about that your universe kind of sunk after we exited we didn't know where you went and the entire universe disappeared; but we're glad we at least made a good universe so tell me what happened in this universe?"
Project FUR reloaded prologue
Kimahri monster universe 41.katze 42.othello 43. delga shining tears x wind universe 44. rouen 45.razalus american dragon universe 46. jake long primortals universe 47. zeerus star fox universe 48.
Vetraheil, time theories, and other information.
A universe came before it and a universe will come after it (reality is basically all of the universes in the fractal expanse). the trigger point of each timeline is the big bang.
Data Sheet #1
Any universe with the sub-header 'a' is a fully time-locked universe (the most prominent one is the base universe but others exist).