Drako Tygon- chapter 3

Sir, if we're to survive this attack, we need to call in all of the super heroes from all over the country, and suggest that our foreign allies gather their super heroes together and bring them here." tornado said, "it's all right, we'll do what we can.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 12: Shockingly Good Old Time!

Raichu swings around and hits the zapdos with yet an even stronger super effective hit than last time. sandshrew quickly digs up rocks from the ground and starts throwing them at zapdos resulting in a strong super effective hit.

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 04

"the super soldier that i fought?" teddy frowns not sure of how much of that was true. "thought i'm still up in the air about magellan being a super soldier, yeah that's the one, the guy you fought before."

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Codex Lupine: Prefaec: Vol #1 of Steam and Fur

A steampunk/futuristic series involving super intelligent wolves. this is volume #1 preface of codex lupine the first book in my 'of steam and fur" saga.

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Emerald: The Candy Store

Emerald rolls her eyes with a smile, "let me take a stab in the dark...you want super bubble gum?" "yes!" he says, "i mean...yes." he shuffles to the 99 cent aisle and grabs a small pack of super bubble gum.

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Third Official Character Fea

Born to a couple that owned a farm and was raised to respect nature and her parents passed when she was 18 and to protect the farm and help her brother she enrolled into what she thought was military training to protect the farm as it turned out to be a super


Tales from Silicon City 10: Lunch Meeting

Yoon lee woojin, formerly of the north korean army and a volunteer in its abortive failure of a super soldier program.

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Honor Above All Else final chapter

He growled as two jackal super soldiers rushed at him, alec dodged the incoming fire from the regular troops while deflecting the blows from the jackals.

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The protocol is actually optimistic, in that it suggests there is some limit on what a super-intelligence can do to a human, and that that limit can be used to base a strategy on.

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Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 05

This city is a hot spot for super soldiers and sources, you do not want to get mixed up in this!"

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Fun Shorts and Missing Moments 1

Turning their attention back to the purple menace, they could barely hold in their giggles at the rather feminine bonnet, complete with a pink ribbon, the super-hero was wearing. 'oh no! a brain-sucking alien from outer space!'

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The Lord Tiranis, An Origin (excerpt)

#9 of patreon tiranis is a world of humans and furries, of super science and super powers, of ordinary people and extraordinary ones.

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