Three little pigs
Oh, my gosh, my hands are stuck. my legs are stuck as well. i super hate you. activate the shield! come on! you are undermining me! which phrase would you like me to underline? activate the shield! let me try.
POv vore - you and a little badger
You're stuck in a pit just exactly wide enough for your body. the only loose space you feel is around your feet. you're trapped. this is bad. something bumps into your foot.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 35
Even if he went far, far away, he'd be stuck in this grey limbo between life and death forever. he went over to laura's house many times, but she always had visitors with her, friends and family.
Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 10
"i've been stuck here for hours! can you -" the words died in her throat as her discoverer emerged from the bushes, and the hope in her heart gave way to paralyzing fear. hulking, impossibly huge...
The Twilight Zone
You see people with their mouths open waiting for food and drinks which aren't coming, a plate about to shatter against the floor frozen in midair, a free throw on the television stuck in the hoop.
Genetic Children-Log 17- Wade's second deception
He had found a pen and scribble the same note down three times, he stuck on to her chest, put one on the table, and stuck one on the wall beside the bed to ensure she saw them. all the letters said the same thing.
Chapter 18: Don't Leave Me
Should he have stuck around and questioned her? kel pushed the thought aside. they were almost there now. zaldon lived near a small bunch of banana trees just a few blocks from yuri and enya's home.
Some friend to be stuck here with..." she heard the faint rustling of thomas moving and looked up to see him stand and walk over to where she was sitting on the side of the bed.
Musk II- A continuation
"you're stuck," james pointed out with a deadpan tone, giving percy's head a couple of rubs.
** * * * a gust of cold air from the winter night blew in as the blue-furred rabbit entered the house, shivering from the cold that seemed stuck in his fur.
pet training chapter 1
It was quiet for a little bit longer then she said "do you like the vibrater i stuck in you, it's suppose to give extra pleasure to you"? my eyes shot wide open then i said "what?!?"
Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 5
"it's your job to be all diplomatic and all that," jagan fumed, "so why'd i get stuck with namaari doing all your preparations while you got to chill with the guests?"