Growvember Day 11
Maybe it looks like i finally stopped." she smiled, but it didn't seem like a purely happy smile. "isn't that good?" i asked. "well, i am glad i finally stopped. but if those other giants come and are bigger, then i'll be useless to fight..."
Mesozoic Park 2 (Part 10)
Hurt any dinosaurs" she sniffed, trying to stop crying.
Suicide: Prologue Remade
Why should i stop? i have nothing to live for anymore! no one cares about me at all! my own parents don't even care about me, so why should i stop?"
The Complex - Commission for F3L4N
When he came to a stop his fur was completely coated in soot. aurora rolled to a stop, too exhausted to roll onto her belly or stand up. felan got on his feet and shook some of the ash off.
The Dragon Kingdom - Chapter 7: The Queen
Saint would look around the hall as they walked, he would stop and look out a window at the ocean beyond the castle wall. he would smile and then catch up with ark and typhona.
Ember and Flare 1
Hadyn thought of sand and how to stop it, wait he thought ' why stop the sand, just make it hurt' "ember, flare burn the sand turn it to glass force it to cut them" ember and flare set upon it and soon it was a whirling ball of molten sand the chunks smacking
Scarlet : Trail of Scourge part 1
"remember, don't let him fool you," hawkfrost replied, his voice icey calm, "he may be your kin, but he must be stopped!" "yes, and i'm the one who will stop him."
Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 4: Liberation
\*the two proceed up toward the building, but are stopped by the appearance of two figures in front of them. the two stop and hesh begins to look over the pair blocking his path.
The Echoes
I stopped, for i had gone a long way and entered the other world.
He noticed it stop here but that might have been just to trap the wolf. if it just stopped here than it must have a limited range.
Chapter 9-Is this the End or the Beginning (Final Chapter)
"stop!" carlos yelled as he open the door quickly. i look over at him and then said "i guessing your parents told you. i knew i should have asked to slip the note in your room, so you wouldn't try to convince me to stop."
Evil at Blackwood Manor
"none will stop me!" i yell to them. i dash out the two doorways i kicked out before, more spirits flailing away from me.