A Life In College: A Visit Home, Part 1

The traffic light above me flicked from green to yellow, and the other cars started to all slow down, or speed through the light before it changed to red.

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Falling to Pieces

Only the faintest of shifting about marked their slow climb towards wakefulness. a slow stretch from the larger creature, his arm resting straight over the body of his furred companion, offered his slow awakening.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 15 -Darkness-

Without warning, he was suddenly blasted with several fireballs, each one seeming to slow down time as they struck him. "agh!!!!!!!"

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Studies/The Three Trials/ Lost Language

The tactic of this move is to slow you down, put you to sleep, drain your hp, increase hers, and hit you hard. counter tactics. use a fire attack, it will slow her down, and it will hurt her.

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He slowed, slowed further. his first pass along the valley floor had taken less than an hour, the second took easily twice as long. and then, as he stood up on the high slope again, he glimpsed the oncoming inferno. time was running out.

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Racers vs Seattle Seahawks

"who should we slow down?" claudia asks. "who do you think we should slow down?" hans asks. "someone from the axis. angie & jen are already ahead. let's slow down..." she rummages through the photos.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 11)

"not a chance," aric said, "they could only slow them down for a week or so."

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Tell It To The Crows

He was on the way back home from visiting an out of the way park when he was forced to slow and stop. three large carnivores stood blocking the way ahead. they were far older than jeremy, almost adults by the look of them.


Galactic Conflict - Chapter Six

The last couple of hours of the trip were the longest, as yukiomaru could do nothing but wait as _drach'n fury_ slowed down to enter the system and continue to slow down until they stopped and docked in one of the new orbiting shipyards around one of the planets

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A rare meeting and a deal

She gave me a slow croon and nuzzled my cheek affectionately. "that's good." i said as my face scrunched up in pain and i fell to the side clutching at my back and screamed out in pain.

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Journey to another world pt2 ch61

When kit hit the marill, it all seemed to slow down into slow-motion as the attack ran it's course. finally kit landed on my side of the field and marill on steven's.

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