A Life In College: A Visit Home, Part 1

Story by Darkvampire95 on SoFurry

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#11 of Life In College


Okay, now this is done. The next part going to be full on M/M. But guys, don't start jerking it just yet. ;) I'm off work but have school so this next little bit will be up sometime tomorrow.

I saw her from across the street. She was a bit far away, but she hadn't aged a day.

Celestia Velvet, stood with the same tall posture, and the same full body. Her long, slim legs matched her lean, slim arms. I could almost see her icy blue eyes, looking from underneath her glasses. She was wearing a black shirt and a black jeans, and both articles of clothing hugged her body. Her long, soft, flowing black hair fell past her bottom, and her feet stood firmly planed on the sidewalk.

She had a grey tote bag with her, no doubt filled with books and drawing paper. She read with a passion though, similar to mine. I wasn't one to put down a good book anytime soon, and Celestia herself could spend days and days reading the same book. As for art and drawing I can't say the same. The little wolf girl could draw so well, weaving the lines and colors onto the blank paper. I can't (and don't) draw very well, so I spend my time skateboarding instead.

What really took me though was the girl's fur. It was incredible soft, full, and lush beyond comparison. Her fur isn't all one color either. It's a mix of white and black, and the black swirls and lines almost look like tattoo's. But it's all fur, and she doesn't have any tattoo's, as far as I know. Her tail is adorable too. It's a little stubby thing that wags back and forth when Celestia gets excited, and I love it when it happens. Of course her tail is only short on account of her species, which is wolf. (I know other wolves have long plush tail's, but not this little one)

Her lean face, along with her easy blue eyes, was another attractive feature about her. Her face was slim and smooth, the short fur like silk. Her slim muzzle was white with a coal black nose, and her eyes have interesting patterns around them. It almost looks like she had cried her eyeliner off, but its not as messy as that. In my opinion, It's intriguing, and attractive. And again her hair falls past her bottom, and to me that's just hot.

When she and I had fist meet though, she had been shy. That had been almost three years ago, when I was a high school sophomore. She and still been in middle school then, and was a few years younger than me. I was nineteen, and she was seventeen. She didn't look it though, with her long hair and her... "well built" figure I should say. She wasn't large, or petite or anything like that. She looked older than seventeen, maybe eighteen or even nineteen like me, and just had a "well built" figure.

It's been to long I though to myself. I had gotten back in Monticello, California, not ten minutes ago. I had pulled up outside of my friend Donny's house, then walked into the city from there. On the way I had called Celesita, telling her I was visiting for the weekend, and that we should hang out. My reply was her very shyly saying "Okay! Sure!" and hanging up quickly. A second later though she called back, asking where I wanted to meet. I laughingly told her that Vinno's, an old pizzeria, was good for me. She had said "Okay" again, then hung up a bit slower this time. I tucked my phone into my pocket, smiling, then left from Donny's house and headed into the city.

So now, here I stand. The traffic light above me flicked from green to yellow, and the other cars started to all slow down, or speed through the light before it changed to red. When It was red though, I stuck my paws in my pockets and walked across the street with my usual cool and calm pace.

"Hey!" I called out, looking at Celesita's slim and gorgeous figure. She looked away from her feet, looking around. Then she spied me, and her face picked up a light pink tint. I smiled at her, feeling the hot sun bear down on my neck. I waved at her, and she held up her own paw as I came across the street.

"Hey Thomas," she said as I came to her. I smiled at her, stretching my arms out. She stepped towards me, her cheeks a light pink color. I smiled at her, then folded her into a hug. She pressed herself to me, putting her small paws around my back, and hugged me. I felt her rest her head on my chest briefly, then she looked up at me. I looked slightly down at her, letting her free from my embrace.

"Jeez, how long has it been?" I asked her. Celesita smiled.

"It's been a while," she said. "A year, I think?"

"Yeah, probably," I said.

"Yeah," Celestia said quietly. We walked down the sidewalk, going past the pizzeria.

"So," I drew the word out, sticking my paws into my pockets. "What should we do?"

"Oh," Celestia paused, her mouth open just slightly. I glanced at her, noticing her small lips. I felt a warm shiver ran down my spine. I had known Celesita for a long time now, but hadn't ever though of her as more than a friend. Not really anyways.

"We could go watch movie," she suggested.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Maybe a horror film? Those are your favorites, right?"

"Yeah," she nodded, smiling. Her short black and white tail bobbed while she walked, and her long black hair rolled down her back and waist. While she walked her bag thumped at her side, and her steady pace was in good timing with mine. God, she was beautiful. The more I looked at her, the more I wondered why I had left Monticello.

"We could go watch the Exorcist," she said.

"Are you talking abut the old cheesy one, or the remake?" I asked with a smile.

"Wha," Celesita paused, then turned to look at me with the same light tint to her cheeks. "The old ones not cheesy! That ones really scary!"

"Scary," I nodded, "right..."

"Oh what do you know?" she demanded out of me. I laughed, then put an arm around her shoulders. Celesita smiled in a shy way, and put a paw to mine. I smiled and pulled my paw away, then put both paws back in my pockets.

"Okay, say we go watch the Exorcist," I said. "We going to the movies to do that? I know you can't drive and my cars back at my friends apartment."

"Oh," Celestia frowned. Her pace slowed just a little bit, her tail wiggling while she walked. "Well," she paused again. This time her cheeks flushed with color, and she looked away from me. "We could, go back to... my place," she said with a bare whisper.

"Oh boy," I smiled, putting an arm around Celestia's shoulders again. "A whole evening alone with the one and only Celestia Velvet? Man am I lucky." I took my arm from her shoulders, putting my paw in my pocket again. Celestia smiled, her paw gripping the silver strap of her tote bag.

Celestia and I walked for a while, talking about this and that while we went. But all the while we talked, I couldn't help but steal glances at her. She was drop dead gorgeous. Her long legs, her beautifully patterned arms and eyes. Even the way she walked was cute, with her little stubby tail bobbing.

"So, do you want, t-to go watch that movie?" Celestia spoke up after a while.

"Yeah, sure," I nodded, my paws tucked into my jeans pockets. "I was only going to say hi to another friend of mine while I was here, and then I'm driving back to Long Beach sunday night."

"Okay," Celestia smiled, the white of her cheeks taking on a shade of pink. I smiled at the wolf.

We walked for ten or so minutes, the two of us both panting a bit in the heat. Monticello California isn't any better than Long Beach weather wise, so don't think that it's better. It's not. But, when Celestia and I got to her family house in the hills, the air conditioning made the small heat trip all worth it.

I walked into her house, feeling a touch of guilt. I had been to her house a few times, years ago when I had been a high school freshman. I had come over to her house once when her brother had thrown some party or another, and her parents hadn't been home. Her parents were travel agents by the way. Flew to all kinds of exotic islands and resorts and what not. Most of the time though, Celestia's brother Ryan was home with her. Today though, that didn't seem to be the case.

"Where's your big bro?" I asked her.

"Oh," Celestia put her small bag on the floor, in front of the couch. She turned to look at me, her long black bangs falling over one eye. "He's not home now. I think he's out, somewhere. With a friend."

"Ah," I nodded. "That's cool." I walked into her living room, remembering the house. A tall two story with plenty of tan and brown furniture and counter tops to go around. I ran a paw over the arm of her couch, and Celestia sat down. She scooted over on the plush cushions, and I took that as my cue to sit down. I sat down next to the small wolf, taking my paws out of my pockets.

For a long time, all we did was talk. Celestia asked my questions about what Long Beach was like, and what college was like, and what the classes were like. I did my best to answer what she asked me, and asked her her own questions in turn. She was still in high school, but getting close to finishing.

"I only have a year or so to go," she said with pride. Her white cheeks picked up that same cute pink tint, and I smiled. Oh she was so cute and adorable, it was ridiculous. "How's Anji doing?" she asked me.

"Ah, the bastards fine," I said with a smirk. "Anji's a big boy, and he can take care of himself."

"Yeah I know," Celestia smiled shyly. "Well, are you going to visit your mom while your here?"

Oh. Yeah, her. I felt another guilt twinge run through me, and I looked away from Celestia's bright and cheery face. She was the only thing I had thought about since I'd left for Monticello. Not the classes I was missing. Not any friends I'd run into while I was down here. Not Ari, my friend. And not my mom. I'd only thought about Celestia.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll find time," I said quietly. I was still looking away, now just a touch annoyed. But I sighed, and turned back to look at the little black wolf. "It's just that I really didn't even say goodbye to her," I said, "And if I just showed up to say "Hi" and then left, that would make me the bad guy."

"Thomas, come on," Celestia scooted closer to me. "Your not the bad guy!" she said.

"I am actually," I said. "I just took off, without even asking her or saying anything. And If I left now, still without saying anything, that would definitely make me the bad guy."

"But your not," Celestia scooted even closer to me, and her shoulder pushed into my arm. I turned my head to look at her, my arms laid out over the back of her couch. I looked at her silvery blue eyes, and she looked back. I felt another warm tinge run through my body, and a sudden overwhelming urge to kiss her hit me. I felt myself swallow, but looked away again, pushing the impulse away.

I turned to look at her again though, feeling a second warm tinge. She was so stunning, so beautiful. Her light blue eyes looked at me, and her slim but full body pressed somewhat against mine. I swallowed, hoping she wouldn't notice that I was checking her out suddenly. But if she did, she didn't mind.

"God," I sighed suddenly, and let my head rest on the back of her couch. I put a paw to my face, the pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Thomas, what is it?" her soft, inciting voice spoke my name quietly. "Talk to me," she said.

"Uh..." I let out another sigh, and picked my head up. I let my arm drop over her shoulder and my fingers touched her back. I felt the soft material of her shirt, and she looked at me, her lips parted just slightly.

"It's you," I said quietly. "Your amazing, and incredible," I paused, suddenly thinking. Should I keep going? Should I tell her how I really feel? Or should I shut my mouth now? "And," I paused again, then swallowed. I was nervous. "And I want you," my voice was a bare whisper, but I still said it.

"You want me?" her reply was quick, if not slow and hesitant.

"Yeah," I let my head droop some, but Celesita didn't shy away from me. Her cheeks were a good red color now, but she stayed pressed against me. So I let my head drift down, and I put my forehead to hers. "Yes, I want you," I said. "I think your beautiful, and stunning, and inciting, and I can't keep my paws off you."

"Thomas," she said my name with a bare whisper, and her breath brushed slowly across my lips.

"I love you," was what I said next. I let my arm rest against Celestia's shoulder, but then instantly regretted saying the "L" word. What was I doing? Showing up after three or four years of not even calling, and confessing some kind of deep, emotional feeling for a girl that I really didn't even know? Uh... yeah, that's exactly what was happening.

"Thomas," she said my name again, in the same quiet but inciting voice. Then, on pure impulse, I leaned in and kissed her. On the way in, she didn't pull away, but didn't come to meet me either. She stayed where she was, her breasts touching my body. I felt my lips press against hers, and we kissed.

God the feeling. I understand that time and time again, I've kissed girls, and guys, and gotten the same sort of feeling. That feeling like your suddenly in a rocket ship, speeding for the moon. And on the way up, you get warmer and warmer all the way, and it feels like nothing can slow you down. That was what I felt when I kissed Celestia.

We pulled away though, or more so I pulled away. The little wolf sat almost in my lap now, and her lips quivered gently when I came away. We had both closed our eyes, and she opened hers slowly. She looked at me, her paws pressed into the couch in between her leg and mine. I still had an arm over her shoulders, but I didn't try to pull her back to me.

"I love you to Thomas," Celestia said. Her voice was still soft. She looked at me with her light blue eyes and her sweet face. I put my forehead against hers, feeling her warm fur. In that moment, I realized that I was happy again.