Found and Lost

The fox made a little sketch of a theatrical bow in her direction, then took argos by the paw and steered him, dazed, from the booth. when they had reached the edge of the marketplace, the wolf finally recovered himself well enough to speak.

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When I Fall

This is short one, sort of a literary sketch, really. it's just a trifle, but i do think it's cute. there's very little naughtiness or outright fetish material here, just some mild ageplay themes and a lot of sweetness. i hope you enjoy it!

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Meteor-Gazing Squirrel

Under the thin layer of dirt in which the target was sketched, the earth was hardpacked with rocks and roots, so that when the piece of space rock hit the earth, rather than penetrate the surface as expected... it ricocheted. right at cherry.

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 4

" i designed this boat, drew the art and sketches for it, so considering i made and effort for it's design, they discounted me. the original price i believe is eighteen thousand and six hundred something. not completely sure.

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The Tail of Sir Ru

Later when questioned as to how long he had been able to see ru explained that he wasn't, and after trying to force him to describe sketches they made on the fly.

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The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 12: Here We Stand

At the end of the map there is a sketch of a village on a hill with a camp completely surrounding it. this map shows the path we took to come into the village.

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Changing Fates, Chapter Three

:o i decided to upload a picture that i have been sketching, and hopefully it doesn't ruin the detailing that i was going for in the story. dunno how i feel about it, i feel... weird. actually i change my mind, how do i remove a picture?

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 17

But then his eye would misbehave and he'd see dad staring at one of mom's old sketches, just standing there, not doing anything, hardly even blinking, dead to the world.

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Blood Rose-7

Hopefully i actually get on those sketches soon though. -___- artist block sucks huge balls. anyhow enjoy! blackvixen<3 she curled up one night to sleep, but left one eye uncovered.

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Rest of Your Life Chapter 1: Impact

One of my teachers at my old school was really impressed with my portraits and sketches in general that he bumped me into the second-year art class back when i was a freshman." they kept on talking until they got to their first class of the day.

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Hope is like a shield.

Mordir-ring grinned and sketched a dismissive wave 'bye' in the air, then went back to, going wherever he was going before being interrupted.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Two

The next page had nothing but gray, unfinished sketches. it looked like i'd gotten as far as ethan had drawn. but in the incomplete mess, i could make out backfire dangling upside down, held in place by his seatbelt.

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