Eternal Waltz

She could not believe this was happening; covering her body was a one-piece dark blue flight suit, with black shoulder guards gracing her shoulders.

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Mob - (Kreet - 65)

No, her real worry were the soldiers standing shoulder-to-shoulder in front of it. the mob outnumbered them ten-to-one. what she really feared was conflict.


Good Company

The bovine gripped the material with his other hand and tried to lift it from his shoulders, eventually looking down to matthias with a silent request.

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In the Shadows

Problem is, it's too bulky and it makes my shoulders hurt. oh, in case you haven't figured it out yet, i'm a vampire and i'm a fox.

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Heart of the Forest ~ Chapter 17

"fueled by emotion," lannon finished, breath wafting out around sulla's shoulder and back in against him. "by depth of passion." all familiar. "'you could lose everything,' she told me." the wolf swallowed. his shoulders shook.

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In the Negative: Chapter 5

Humphrey began to sob softly and his shoulders bounced beneath winston's paw. "i'm sorry humphrey," winston apologized, rubbing his shoulder softly then removed it and walked slowly out of the den, his head held low.

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Rebirth ch5

She asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "it's him. it's the trainer that did this to suicune." i quickly started looking around the room for somewhere to hide.

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Canopy pt. 1/3

A sash ran behind her neck and under her shoulders, while it crossed over her breasts at the front.

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The Beginning With No End (Chapter 8)

I kissed him softly and rested my head on his shoulder again.

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Chapter 25: Still Recovering

As he was resting the spear on his shoulder, he glanced at kilyan and said, "i had claw marks on my shoulders like that once. weren't from a female, though."

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Chapter 35: Breaking News

His broad shoulders were swept in his long white mane, which seemed to have grown over the period of time they had separated. he didn't turn his head as tala came in, and she knew why: he knew exactly who was behind him.

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What I've Been Looking For

"lonely--" ash added to the chorus, placing a hand on his shoulder. "oh i wish i could find a lover that could hold me" "hold me..." her arms rested on his shoulders as she hugged him softly. "now i'm crying in my room, so skeptical of love."

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