Pachelbel's Canon 1

The most important rule of being a magician? never, not once, do you explain the trick. and in poker, it's better to fold than show your hand. i'm not a magician, nor a poker player, but i _am_ a con artist, and the same rule applies.

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Black Meridian: White Lies

"i joined the curse _because_ of isaiah's rules!" beau said, his eyes shining. "i thought maybe, _maybe_ if i had some rules i could get better. i could _stop_. but nadine, he just keeps _encouraging_me!"

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The Pokemon Story: Ash vs. King Leonidas (part 2)

_" king leonidas said as he planned to destroy the legends and rule. to be continued...


I Am God

When society crumbles, there are no rules or laws. it's not even anarchy. it's a twisted monarchy, where thirst and hunger reign as cruel king and queen, mercilessly punishing any who refuse their goddamned divine right to rule.

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Project: Eternity - Prologue

<3 all characters (c) chloe avonside, aka chloethefirefox ~chloe among all the races that inhabit the stars, one universal rule was established, one that was seen as sacred before everything else.

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The Curse of the Sacchariferous Queen: A Tale of Bubblegum and Greed

She ruled this land for years lost to memory and demanded a yearly tribute of candy and especially bubblegum from each person in the land, adult or child.

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Calming the War

A planet far away and alone a rebellion began truth be told to bring an end to a time-strung rule. bring power to all. even a fool. an alliance formed brought all together.

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An Adventure in Scufitania

He believed that he was given this gift to rise above the rest, and rule them as their leader. once troy found out about his brothers plans he confronted him and tried to persuade him not to go through with it.

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14 Ways to Cope With It All

**use the five-year rule.** ask yourself: "five years from now, how important will this problem be?" nine out of 10, the answer is "not very important." the five-year rule can keep you from blowing the situation out of proportion. 8.

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Empire of Sand

That fantasy world is primarily ruled over by dragon empires although there are some nations ruled by humans or other species. this poem is about the nation of khval a large desert nation that occupies a the largest portion of the southern continent.

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'Earth's Children' Teaser

Some see it my way yet some follow the old rules... like my father. this is why i will abandon this stupid rule of having a leader... eh... i keep on getting off the subject. anywho... the humans did not like the idea.

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Once the rules introduced, lucas got the ball rolling. "so, we begin with a two-way question?" "very well, i listen to you." "if you didn't go to an art school, what would you study?"

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