Sky Diving...
The limit reached, i must pull my second chance to tomorrow with a heavy heart, i lightly float down, to walk again with a mixture of relief & sorrow feet firm to the ground, the thrill faded into me only a memory could i see for another short while, i'd
When the Petals Fall
Memories like knives, a blade that's become dull oh bitter love, you fail to see the pain with which you ruin me i know it's time to end it all when the petals of my heart begin to fall oh sweet death, please comfort me and in your arms, i'll find relief
The Pit of Depression - medium poem
I basked in the temporary relief your love and presence gave me soon the dark will spread into your heart, your eyes, your mind. tainting your love for me. your vision of me. surrounding us.
Gold Lightnig…Part 6
He is one of our gay friends and we get his help when we are in need of some relief. also he loves to join in sometimes. but not usually, i also get his help when i need to control black lightning in villian form.
LWAOF Chapter 5 - First Day in a New School
They all looked to the door in relief as they saw jake coming out but their faces turned from relief to horror as they saw the state that jake was in.
Hippo Hype
It rang for a few times before it connected, dieter breathing a deep sigh of relief when he heard the man on the other end of the line pick up. "hey, lucky?"
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Eight
Toke breathed a sigh of relief, but that relief didn't last long. less than a minute later, another sorakine flew past. this one was alone, but he was carrying a cone in his hand.
To their surprise and relief, the train took off shortly after they boarded. picking up steam as it rattled along the tracks in a rhythm of its own.
In prep of the big day
Kai sighed in relief as he let his arms fall to his side. his new suit hugging his shoulders better. "thanks again," kai said to the tailor. the man smiled, nodded and left the room with his measuring tape around his neck.
The Battle for Azure Finale: Unveiled
Team warmachine is also here to increase security and lend relief aid. we will set up relief centers - medical care and food will be provided to everyone who needs them.
Lust or Destruction?
Arceus has allowed you to live, but at the exchange to be any pokémon's relief. male or female.** **i'm a bit on the fence for d and e. a little light on b considering i like zombie movies. :p** **what would you pick?**
So bad the tears streaming down my face forming an ocean the mountains i have not yet accomplished oh this drama is like a hurricane pulling me from my promises will i ever find happiness in this drama time after time i've tried but found no relief